Is NBC pulling a FOX and not airing the episodes in order like what happened with Firefly? That's the only thing I can think of.
Is NBC pulling a FOX and not airing the episodes in order like what happened with Firefly? That's the only thing I can think of.
Yeah I heard it was called Flying Rodent Man or something like that. Sounds promising.
I believe there was a continuity in the comics the he was pre-ordained by some higher power to get bitten buy this spider, but I don't know if that is what is happening in this particular movie.
Our differences are what makes us human?
Ha ha, no thanks.
I've also heard that people who are highly dedicated to a cause don't even think twice about romantic relationships. Batman strikes me as that kind of person.
I'm just hoping that the movie isn't 75% CGI like the last one, t'is all.
Nerf guns would be hilarious!
I was hoping that there would be less CG antics in this film, but after watching London getting tore up from the floor up those hopes were mostly dashed. That being said I'll probably still rent it, plus Bruce Willis gives it some redeeming qualities.
These aren't the positions you're looking for...
I always had a crush on Luna Lovegood....What I mean to say is that I would have if I was the appropriate age.
Tiny Vampires! Please keep doing these shows!
Yeah I liked Wanted enough.
Nuff said
Actually Hollywood at one point in time did plan on rebooting this movie. I think it was two years ago, but I als think there was a huge public outcry due to the stupidity of the idea.
Obligatory hipster joke: