Ohhhhh! She played Nan... The whole episode I was wondering where the freak I've seen her before and now Meredith you have come to my rescue, thank you. Great episode.
Ohhhhh! She played Nan... The whole episode I was wondering where the freak I've seen her before and now Meredith you have come to my rescue, thank you. Great episode.
Chouette? Non, il n'est pas chouette, je désespère.
I can't lie, I'd probably buy these.
I know what you mean. I posted this photo on my facebook page and I am just counting the minutes until my brother says something about liberals and the degeneration of the country or some such business. Oh well.
There was a movie that was missing from the whole match that might have over taken BE and that is Kazaam with Shaq. Unless it was on the list somewhere, then nevermind. Talk about a movie I want burned from my memory. In fact what about Shaq's version of Steel? That was equally as bad...
Everybody is hating on Snyder's Superman already. It's going to turn into another John Carter, where it'll actually be a good flick but wont do well because people crapped on it from the get go.
If ever there is any doubt, Battlefield Earth is always the right choice.
well lah dee dah.
Puts our current education system to shame...
I'm going to be "that guy" and point out that Katniss' elbow is to high, she's going to miss her mark if she releases like that.
Say what you want, I think it would be cool if Jesus actually rode a dinosaur. It would be called the Saviorsaraus.
Sadly, I don't have HBO this year...