
It’s not that the lesson is bad - it’s the way is lessoned is framed. Let’s say you wanted to teach the lesson that sharing is good and wrote two stories. In both stories the protagonist learns he should share with his friend: in the first story the protagonist is just greedy and selfish, but in the second story the

I watched both cars movies in a row for the first time about two months ago, one after the other.

And no.

Cars 2 is a goddamn trainwreck. It’s a tonal mess that cannot fin it’s way to clarity on what movie it wants to be, lurching awkwardly from brutally violent spy thriller to Southern hick mocks foreign cultures

Married here. I agree with everything you’ve written about marriage and children (and thank you - can we all please stop pretending that there are not times we don’t like our kids? Asking for a friend.), but I do think that as described, the crisis was long ago, was handled terribly and the marriage has been over

As someone who was underemployed while married and depressed about it and just not doing anything to fix the issue or make up for it in other ways I have to say your advice to Letter #1 seems really off base.

From the tone of the letter its clear that the author sees himself as a victim of circumstance who just needs