
You could actually interpret the assignment even worse, based on the wording. Rather than asking for 3 reasons for and against slavery, it sounds like it’s asking you to give 6 reasons to support slavery (3 good arguments for it and 3 bad arguments for it).

Something Awful isn’t a game company and they don’t make games. I imagine crocheting forums don’t have this problem either. :p

Requiring a payment doesn’t prevent players from raging on a forum, it just lowers the number of posters in general. I’d be willing to bet if you did that, the people who still decide to post would rage even harder since they now can spin it as “I’m supporting the company by posting here and you’re not listening to

Games these days are unique to film and novels in that they are being constantly updated and improved based on player feedback. Not all games are like that, but you’ll notice that most (if not all) of these “toxic” communities form around these sorts of games.

As a dev who tries to occasionally talk to his community, I have to say this is mostly true. I have many co-workers who avoid things like forums and subreddits and whatnot, just because of how the most vocal players react to anything. I often find myself having to really think hard about how to say something

They just killed Olenna LAST EPISODE

The film is, if not celebrating Mater’s behavior, certainly excusing it. Mater has absolutely no character arc in this movie because he does not grow as a character. The views he held at the beginning of the movie are the same views he has at the end of the movie. In fact, if the events of Cars 2 were to play out

I didn’t say that.

I think both our statements are true; women are now able to choose to give up on the marriage which obviously makes divorce rates go up.

So much this.

When you’re married, you will inevitably have times where you don’t like your partner. When you have kids, you will inevitably have times where you don’t like your kids. This happens to every marriage and every parent. It’s the wrong mindset to think that you should just leave when you’re not happy. Many times you

I don’t really agree with the “advice” of the first letter, where you’re just saying “Yeah your marriage is probably screwed.” Sure, he screwed up a LOT, but the fact that he recognizes it is step 1 toward recovery. Step 2 is actually taking action.