Tim Tankerd

I think you meant: "I ain't seen nothing I liked since usenet- back in my day it was BBS or GTFO!"

There was, and it starred a young Russel Crowe!

Y'know I get the urge to make this comment on every single article that embeds tweets but the people making this complaint really sound increasingly like fogeys. Y'all act like embedding or threading tweets makes them into Aramaic or something.

Nonsense, all this confusion barely adds up to a San Juan hill of beans for that old knickerbocker!

Sounds like this reviewer had a…
rough night.

Hopefully it's about an insane multi-millionaire with an incredibly bizarre collection of"mini-me" dolls that they treat like actual children.

Unfortunately all the filing documents related to bankruptcy protection were left in an armoire that has gone missing.

Yeah, I really don't think Sophie Turner has the gravitas for the role.

She's the sensible one.

The loyalty list thing definitely seemed pathological.

That's pretty good, has the feel of something from Brian Azzarello

The debate prep sections in Shattered are great. Hillary went through hell prepping for Bernie and Trump, managed to win against an almost impossible double standard, and still lost everything.

Alright, here's the peer reviewed research it's based on:

The "Welfare Reform and Smelly Cat Bill" of 1997 had consequences we could never have foreseen.

Funnily enough—at least according to "Shattered"— the dour school marm thing is supposed to be what's focus grouped. The "real" Hillary is (allegedly) fairly bawdy, earthy and snarky.

That doesn't address the article whatsoever. They're claiming that someone consuming the same amount of calories while expending the same amount of energy would be heavier now due to unexplained environmental factors.

So Bruce Wayne just needs to fund a metanarrative assasination squad to kill his writers. That sounds like something from Grant Morrison.

Yes but in a world where escape is inevitable by people causing mass casualties that cost/balance ratio gets screwed up. Sure it might take a few retrials, appeals and hung juries to get someone like the Joker legally executed but the ultimate utilitarian good will be much higher simply because you're not going to

I'm a 99% absolutistist on the immorality of the death penalty but the arguments against it don't work in the face of superpowered psychopaths. You can have all the well trained guards you want but what happens if an alien with godlike powers like Darkseid or Sinestro wants to bust the Joker out?

I've said it before and I'll say it again but if Bruce Wayne spent his Batman money on criminal justice reform that shut down Arkham and reinstated the death penalty for mass murdering clowns while at the same time investing in social service outreach for petty offenders he'd have saved Gotham a dozen times over.