Tim Tankerd

Nothing snarky to say, Byer is extremely talented with a very unique voice. Her appearances on Doughboys and High and Mighty really won me over.

"But these memes? What about the memes? These are good memes"

This video of an alt right spicy boy with a stack of Pepe memes meeting actual armed hard right 3%ers made me incredibly happy.

God, it's going to be so fucking weird when kids in AP US History in 2045 have to write essays about the effects of Pepe and the memelords on the United States

It might not be as good a school as the Obama girls attended but a well-designed and humane slaughter chute is a perfectly respectable institute for higher learning.

Look, I know a lot of people thought it strange when the Senate confirmed Temple Grandin as Secretary of the Barron Department, and even stranger when they tore out the Lincoln Bedroom in order to install a medical grade hug box but we need to give him the benefit of the doubt.

That's what I've always heard as well. One of the weirdest things about NAFTA is that Mexico is reliant on USA for the main source of Vitamin T (tacos, tamales, tortas, tostadas).

God that was one of the strangest and most awkward segments ever.

You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

The truth behind Elotes, at least in Mexico, is that the corn sucks. Sweet corn like we have in America just doesn't exist. The crappy corn needs that thick coating of mayo, chili, cheese et al to be palatable.

They! All! Live! In! Texas!

and some are Caligula only senile, fat and mushbrained.

They really didn't want that Indyref. The first one was undeniably traumatic for the region and it opened and exposed a lot of deep fissures in their society. I think one of the great "what ifs" would've been if Labour had adopted a un-Brexit platform.

By every law of drama and foreshadowing he simply has to actually shoot someone on 5th avenue before this is all over.

Well there's a ton of blame to go around. The SNP sure as hell didn't need to bet all their chips on another indyref and the sheer incompetency of Scottish Labour encouraging people to vote Tory was another own goal.

I'm afraid that might set a bad predicent

He gets more than enough blame. Not to victim-shame but after your spouse's third egregious sexting scandal while you're on the shortlist to become one of the most powerful people in the world Huma really needed to do what was obvious. The fact that she stayed with him and needed to see that he wasn't just sexting

God all that shit about Lynch and Clinton meeting on the tarmac seems so goddamn quaint and small potatoes compared to the shit that Trump has pulled.

(Cyborg contains .4% post consumer Cherokee)

I found this article pretty persuasive re: Comey's motivations. He apparently figured the real threat to the FBI would be an angry GOP blaming them for Hillary's victory and tried to preempt that narrative.