Tim Tankerd

That's the rub. No matter what egregious shit Trump did he and Hillary were almost always tied for negative approval ratings. We put a lot of faith into a person who has been virulently hated by a substantial portion of the electorate for close to three decades. I've been hearing about Vince Foster and the Clinton

That was a plot point in "Shattered." Evidently the NY field office did hate Hillary and kept introducing negative narratives, leaking and putting the pressure on Comey. His motivation was based on the expectancy that Hillary would win and the real issue would be a politicized FBI serving as a GOP scapegoat for

Also he very clearly witnessed obstruction of justice on multiple occasions and would've apparently not said or done shit until he was fired.

"Reina del Sur" is pretty great for a Mexican series. It almost singlehandedly established a genre of "wife/daughter of narcotrafficante ends up taking over cartel following untimely death."

It's very lumpy but I still like it. The central family stuff remains strong enough to help pass over the weaker elements.

I'm also in the same camp. Of course there are exceptions but the vast majority of video games just seem like variants of Skinner Boxes. Even ones where I've heard over and over about the "themes" and the story like "Bioshock" really seemed to just devolve into a variation of every shooting game ever.

There is going to be a huge realignment in culture after the whole media complex collapses. You'll have a few super studios and internet providers to keep a stream of quality but the vast majority of ephemeral crap that makes up most of TV will just disappear.

Honestly the prospects of a legit coup have never been higher. An international crisis or military operation that's being sabotaged at the executive level through tweets and bad faith dealings could be the thing that has a few tanks rolling down 1600 and a nice group of Navy Psychiatrists marching into the Oval

The lesser known "All Men's For Hatin' Proclamation"

As an epitaph for America it's not half bad.

“I’m afraid Peoria Realtor is going to be the first in a long line of Trumpers who will realize, on the other side of firings and divorces and black eyes, that Trump’s Teflon Umbrella covers Trump and no one else. His cabinet and staff are going to learn that as well.”

You know what happens to untapped veins in film series when they're struck with lightning?

Only the very finest nineteenth century slang the google could produce.

Moral: if he'd just called it "locker room rapes" Jerry Sandusky would be a senator.

I could picture someone from then showing up and just listening to Trump for a minute and saying "now wait just a minute there Jasper, this fellow is a clearly sockdologizing old buffoon! You don't have to see the elephant to know this M. T—— is a gentleman of four outs!"

Wow no joke, average cocaine purity went down 70% between 1980-1989

This will be such a strange period of history. Never has someone so unqualified been elected and Obama left him a turn key surveillance panopticon. If America is "saved" it will solely be because of the deep underlying incompetence.

I'm scraping up dead caucasians,
Dead teens are my exultation

He's so astonishingly stupid and has very publicly proven it again and again. Just incredible that he was elected.