Tim Tankerd

"the only thing I look forward to anymore is when john mccain dies and trump ruins his funeral by giving a eulogy about TV ratings"
@lowenaffchen May 15, 2017

"Meanwhile Hamilcar is threatening Rome so clearly we need to fix the signal"

As a musician, yes. As a virulent racist? Also yes.

Yeah, especially that huge long causeway between the outer and inner gates. A small group of stay behind saboteurs could have trapped or killed the queen and her top advisers really easily.


The way that was finally explicated on DS9 was so brilliant. They really looked at what the federation economy would actually mean for a society.

The fact that I can remember Lex and Tim twenty years later but I don't think I ever even knew the names of the two new kids (Mopey and Horny?) tells you a lot.

(That was "The Fog")

Variations of the sentence "enough with the Stepin Fetchit jive talking Jerome" occur approximately 10,000 times over the trilogy. It's lampshaded quite a bit but is still pretty awful.

Boy, as a trilogy I thought the middle one (which dealt the least with the Mercedes Killer) was far and away the best. I also found the "twist" in book 3 to be really bad and not mesh with tone of other books or established rules.

Another disgusting kickback to Big Tire Iron

There shall come a Weasel

His bright shining pillar of incompetence allows a lot of repugnant skullduggery to go on in the shadows. The president may be a joke but the US is still the sole superpower.

The Good Kind of Sore

Make agriculture gory again

Can-Con laws will mean a substantial retool where they're serving on the USS/NSU Louis Riel

Like the noble fedora the sheer manchild connotations have made them unwearable. Just as the swastika was once a symbol of luck and peace so too have the menchildren befouled the cargo short.

I love me CitizenM, I've stayed at Glasgow and NYC. Utterly surreal.

I've been seeing that pop up a lot. I guess it makes sense, Univision did buy themselves a propreitary (if terrible) commenting system and this will probably save money.

See it ain't so, Joe!