Tim Tankerd

Helen, I'm afraid that's quite a revisionist take on Churchill's war experience and I'd like to see some textual evidence to back that up.

You chuckleheads sound like you're arguing about what's the best STD. La Croix is light years better than any other seltzer.

Especially if you've got a bottle deposit State. In Oregon it's now a dime, meaning an extra $1.20 per twelve pack.

The postman posts twice.

It is just so textbook:
First they came for the Mexicans….

False. Mixing Safeway or polar or any other generic seltzer can cause sudden adult death syndrome. Don't risk it, drink La Croix.

Barron lacks object permenance. I doubt he even realizes he has a father when he's not in the room.

Have you guys heard of this loin musk? Great stuff, everyone is saying it. Tremendous scent.

La Croix Coconut + Malibu+ light rum and a splash of pineapple = under 100 calorie pina colada

Tangerine > Pamplemousse. Come at me

Caucasians of vengeance! Fear equality! Fear everything!

Best Onion in a long time

Cover your ass

That's the Clark Kent clause.

Someone definitely got contacted by the secret service and is in CYA mode.

Not only that but there was a mass-shooting because of it

An angry Australopithecus flinging shit about in a vast and echoing chamber of corn syrup is a pretty good metaphor for 2017

Last I checked Jamie Foxx is a star and when you're a star they'll let you do anything.

If they don't learn who begat Rehoboam it'll be anarchy!

The steady drip of scandal will form a veritable stalagmite of impeachment!