Tim Tankerd

It's absolutely incredible. The political jiu-jitsu that managed to equate conservative Macedonian clickbait mills with the NYT is just the pinnacle of disingenuous bad faith.

We're at a point now when literally assaulting reporters might actually give you a bump in the polls.

A lesson the indigenous Tasmanians learned all too well.

There was a weird spurt of that in the nineties. I remember 'Boy Meets World' also did a similar violent Halloween

Fuck, those "premium" slim jims are hilarious. They look like a prop from some shitty Beverly Hillbillies parody.

A Vatican spokesman has confirmed that these are small… but the ones out there are far away. Small… far away

Look at the whites of his eyes, he's crying himself to sleep every night.

Reports confirming his being "Sad!" are coming in now.

I am honestly surprised there hasn't been worse yet. There are plenty of unhinged Trumpers and journalists are pretty public. When it finally does happen it will be a trip.

Excellent! I have definitely had the Obama = King Log thoughts from I, Claudius so I'll buy your argument.

Post it. I've definitely associated Trump with Tiberius in his later "pervert on Capri" years (substitute "Fox and Friends" for Thrasyllus) but I don't see the rest. Would Bush be Augustus?

"Hey Martin, put together an art installation in Santa Fe and get back to editing 'Wild Cards'!"

No way it's cheap. I'm sure the lines of whatever amphetamine his joke doctor prescribed him are the finest. He's not going to be taking generics, he wants the Adderall.

He'll end up like Sumner Redstone, just brain dead and drooling in some back room surviving on apple sauce and cialis.

Look, Trump promised to put America first and chaining a string of boats in the Hudson so he could ride his horse across them is simply fulfilling that promise.

"Star Trek: Voyager" has become an essential sleep aid for me. It's just so reliably bland but with just enough Trek to keep it appealing. Give me a Janeway speech and Neelix dicking around stupidly and I'm out.

Wow, Leesa. I'm kind of surprised that there's such an overlap between Hannity's viewership and CBB but I guess as long there are shut-ins incapable of buying a mattress in person it'll still prosper.

That could be the one field where Melania actually has expertise.

Nyet volodchka! I wanted a Roosevelt not a Taft!