Tim Tankerd

It's not a fad nor is it bad so won't you click, new under-lads?

I cannot tell you how excited I am for his keynote speech on Islam that was written by the guy who wrote the travel ban. Sure it may be the prelude to a global intifada but goddamn, there's no way it's not hilarious.

Bug Mane was right!

I'm not talking about Trump specifically but about the environment of anti-liberal hysteria that enabled him. A sane party could never have nominated him and Ailes is responsible, more than anyone, for the conditions that led to their derangement. He's been a constant GOP enabler and schemer since Nixon.

Aisles—> Fox News —> twenty years of weaponized propaganda

If there's a single person responsible for our current political mess it was him. I only pray he's buried in some sort of trough that can handle the amount of piss his grave deserves.

I always thought "Fly" was about him tweaking through osmosis?

"Just don't mention 'Star Wipe' and this sexy wordsmith can be yours!"


"Aspergers-ish," tonight on CBS!


Huh, that sounds worth checking out

Surprise, the briefcase is made of bourbon.

It's like a joke, like if someone asked me what Fallon keeps in his briefcase I'd have guessed a Nintendo and a bottle of bourbon. Half right.

This dog has some damn good advice

Feels good, man!

I think one of those consoles has got to be a hidden flask.

Just be careful because the final transition to "embittered wino" is a quick one.

My favorite part of the article is the fact that Jimmy is a compulsive video game player who keeps a briefcase full of systems with him at all times like a security blanket.

It's pretty amazing that the entire genre of "audio dramatization" has almost completely disappeared in America.