Tim Tankerd

Da comrade! Is glorious place to click for strong motherland.

Lot of people saying these Reptilians are our natural allies in the war against the Greys! Could be peace????

A pencil pushing plutocrat

You say To-mah-to I say "treason" let's call the whole thing off!

Want to violate this emoluments clause the hard way?

"This Joe Smith? Total loser and a very sick guy. Lots of wives, tarred and feathered. Sad!"

There is something deeply hilarious in how dumb this guy is and how he destroys everyone who comes across him. All these cloak and dagger motherfuckers with wheels within wheels and here comes President Dangerfield just blurting out whatever he thinks.

I really don't think there's a single thing he could do to lose the base. He could perform an abortion on the White House lawn while pledging allegiance to Russia and he'd still poll 80% with evangelicals.


They'll probably read like this:

Honestly I'd say Chekhov's law says he has to before this all over.

This seems like such a no brainer to keep going. Comics are such a miniscule portion of the Marvel revenue stream why wouldn't you want to give this more of a shot for the goodwill and critical acclaim alone?

"Reckless, stupid, demented and sad, but technically legal"

It's the remix of sedition hot and fresh from the kremlin

And retain possession of their lives and goods in the cinder covered hellscape

First they came for the stoners that were torrenting… and they got pretty into Planet Earth 2 while taking fat rips from the bong.

The eternal battle between naff moaning and stiff-upper-lip quiet desperation in the English soul.

The ancient law of Diminishus Returnus.

He's so, so far behind the shows now I just don't see why he'd bother. It's pretty clear that the passion he had for the series has significantly dwindled and, in his perfect world, he'd do nothing but publish Wild Cards anthologies and talk about football.

I think there's likely signs of dementia. If you look at interviews from ten years ago he's a lot more lucid. All of his craziest tweets seem to happen at like 6:00 am so maybe it's reverse sundowning