Tim Tankerd

God that's strange. It's pretty astounding that Lorne Michaels, Joe Scarborough and whoever produces Fox and Friends are now some of the most influential people in the world.

Also that ending read a bit homophobic to me.

"The President's outreach to the forces of Glandeco-Angelinnia and his denunciation of the Vivian Girls is simply an extension of his 'American First' beliefs Anderson, nothing strange about it"

Just another Lamanite plot.

And on that day the New Girl had become an Old Woman.

What's really scary is if he had a debilitating stroke no one could tell. He'd probably sound more lucid.

Man, watching Antifa evolve into straight up Franc-Tireurs would be a helluva thing.

I really hope so but am not confident. They accomplished a major amount of disenfranchisement (enough to flip Wisconsin this election) with Holder DOJ and Obama as president. This "voter integrity commission" just seems like such a blatant suppression scheme. I really hope things turn out different.

His parents died at 93 and 89 respectively. Odds are he'll last just running on the fumes of hate and jism.

"I resent the implication that the commander in chief lacks object permenance. I've got a statement here from the Marine guard in charge of Presidential Peek-a-boo that will refute these allegations."

He survived a tape being released where he proudly admitted to being able to "grab 'em by the pussy" because he's a star and was just the commencement speaker at the largest Christian university in America. Nothing matters whatsoever. The midterms are going to be a nightmare of targeted disenfranchisement and an

Terrifying highs, dizzying lows, (illegally) creamy middles.

It's a good start to BLK LBL BCN week though

That's pretty great. Oh my god some of those are just brutal.

He earned that sweet Vox paycheck ten times over with his 2BG duty.

Also a quick way to ramp up disenfranchisement

They're going to take this all the way. He wouldn't go down without bringing it all down. He's got a lock on their base.

Haha these wacky grifters are at it again!

bAVzinga Club!

Y'know that was just a google image search. I guess this image is probably canon because it's from the show and that looks like he's 5'6