Tim Tankerd

Spent way too much time on this:

It's a testament to how obese we've become since 1993 that a good 30+% of Americans today have an equivalent or higher BMI than Homer. When that episode came out he was a cartoonishly fat outlier, now he's getting close to the norm.

Dumbest time in history


Just a huge undertaking in service of mediocre product. Kind of a on-the-nose description of America.

He's going to go after the midterms. This new voter suppression commission he's got is just like the Rosenstein memo, just ex post facto justification for a decision he's already made.

This thread on twitter posits a pretty good explanation

"Sure there's collusion with Russia but did you hear that Jughead fucks now?"

Aorta/Aneurysm 2020

Hope: Internet will allow ppl from different backgrounds to communicate & understand one another.
Reality: All the racists found each other!

I'd call it a straight up fiasco.

Y'know it's lame they cancelled it but it's damned decent of them to give Rabin ownership of the series and a plug for his website.

She's a delight on Improv 4 Humans

(However, the movie at least finds time for a decent boob gag that finds the comedian walking the walk in addition to talking the talk of self-deprecating raunch.)

Dippold is just hilarious on twitter and I4H but you'd never know by her scripts.

I was surprised but it turns out to be a relatively low-paid profession

This is what happens when a Democrat DOJ and President blithely allow mass disenfranchisement.

Dude has a preternatural ability to dominate the news cycle. He really has figured out how to "hack" it by just spewing so much irrelevant and incendiary bullshit it becomes impossible to follow up.

There are tons of FBI members who are 100% GOP true believers. They leaked a ton of stuff during the election and were a huge source of pressure on Comey to come out with his warning letter.

Gee, it almost seems they know something we don't about the midterms. Maybe all that talk about millions of fraudulent ballots coupled with Sessions as AG is just them saying "lol, we decide who votes and we count the votes."