Tim Tankerd

Jesus Christ that makes me feel old. That show came out a decade ago.

Oof, this was the worst possible explanation for the suspension of "Womp It Up"

"Scratch any American and you'll find a stone-cold retard"

Also just blatant hypocrisy. Some of them are just plain amoral.

Whenever Trump speak sings that "Snake" song about the snake biting the women who nurses it back to health I think it's just such clear projection. Dude is a living sack of fleas you don't want to lay down with.

My… my gains

All covered with Yeeze

Fleur-de-sal from Breton or gtfo.

It's so rare to see genuine passion that it can't help but be appealing.

I'm continuing to be so grateful for their stunning incompetence. Dude could have played the long con and started off with a huge infrastructure and Medicaid for all bill… keep his head down and wait for the appointees to get approved and the popularity to rise, no golfing for a couple months. Let them get

But they have effectively subsidized all Amazon Echo brand Telescreens for the vast majority of Prime consumers!

The refusal to release the tax returns was such a red flag. Made me realize how much of the system depends on the individual's ability to actually feel things
like shame and hypocrisy. System was not meant to withstand an actual sociopath

Feels bad, man

Zut alors!

This site has the most comprehensive collection of interior photographs

I joined the DSA after the Sessions confirmation and haven't regretted it once.

Maybe it's because the GOP is operating on an exponentially increasing scale of awful where each new iteration can only make the preceding look good. After Trump I'm guessing they'll just nominate an abstract concept like "Evil" to be their candidate.

This video is still the only thing I can think about when I see those paintings

Meh, just wait a few years and your war crimes will be forgotten and you'll get to giggle about ponchos

Fuck I'm old