Tim Tankerd

This is easily the dumbest of all possible worlds

Ay que triste y dolor.

Lol, literal headline from the poll: "Poll: Bernie Sanders country’s most popular active politician" but sure, go ahead and keep stanning for Hillary.

Been true from last year until the most recent poll in April

They're just petty grifters so far. It's actually pretty incredible how small their aims have been.

"He tells it like it is!"

In the general. He didn't endorse her over Bernie until a month before the convention when it was mathematically impossible for him to win. A ton of damage to Hillary came from that ugly extended primary

Well I'm not sure I'd buy that. Consistently stoking hatred towards the "libs" and those SJWs who vote for them has paid pretty substantial dividends for the right to the point that hate motivates millions of people to vote against their own best interest.

I really think this election was still winnable despite the egregious bullshit. In "Shattered" Bill and his former assistant Minyon Moore are written as showing the correct campaign instincts again and again only to be overruled by Hillary and (especially) Robbie Mook. You can blame Russia and the media plenty but

"The fault is not in our stars, but is with Robbie Mook"

All those pragmatic Dems got us the confusing patchwork ACA, no motion on minimum wage, increased executive branch power with no oversight and the DNC completely collapsed in state legislatures and both houses of Congress. "Pragmatic" has become another word for "centrist" which is another word for "GOP-lite."

*the internationale playing*

I should've known when he rolled over on Merrick Garland but goddamn, I still had hope for him to do something.

Red Tail Kangaroos are ridiculously cool. Just jacked up bipedal deer dripping testosterone and using their tails as platforms to kick off of.

The fear of Obama not wanting "to tip the scales" is a big theme in the book. He stayed very hands-off in the primary then was terrified about revealing any of the disqualifying information about Trump in the general. He really did believe America would "do the right thing" and he didn't want any stain on his

The unfortunate reality is that it is important. Bernie is the most popular politician in the country. People have proven that the conventional wisdom is false. As long as the DNC is in the hands of compulsive centrists who can do nothing but follow the GOP further right we'll continue to be in a losing coalition.

2 Shattered 2 President

The Kaine fuckup is such a self-own. Hillary was so confident she'd win she chose Kaine because it meant her buddy McAullife could appoint his successor. That was her entire thought process, not "gee, might a progressive provide a counterweight or a Latino might energize some of the electorate."

Got "Shattered" up on the old kindle:

It's an incredibly painful book. It's just page after page of Trump proving himself completely unqualified for the presidency while Hillary consistently makes the worst possible decisions. Knowing the ending is like watching a horror film.