Tim Tankerd

The only "black crime" on this site is how criminally low the price of Black Label Bacon remains

We only had Tom Waits for Snowman and he was fine! Fine do you hear me? Totally fine.

"Bill is devastating in own right, but also ominous. You don't pass something this unpopular thinking there will be free and fair elections… When you flaunt disregard for public will this blatantly, you're assuming public will is irrelevant. You have a lock through corruption."

"Selling my daughter into sexual servitude and murdering old Fido may have been painful at first but now I get to see I'm a triggering dem liberals!"

Depends on who you're looking at. I don't think the heads of the movement have a single moral principle beyond "money good. More for me." The vast fields of religious lumpenproles are absolute hypocrites but their masters? Just doing or saying anything to get the job done.

Between Depp and the mustache humor this may just turn out to be the "Mortdecai" sequel we've been waiting for!

I'm picturing a backroom in the Hormel headquarters where they show the Univision heads a battered piñata and tell them "¿entiendas?"


That's true, that comment made it sound like I was blaming them. It's been a long strange podcast and it remains pretty great. There have always been misses.

If it do ya

You're the first person to ever refer to Brian Mulroney that way

Why do you think they called him "Lucky?"

>Never once did he fall below 60 percent with our readership. He got as high as 80 percent.

(I know)

Why dress it up? They want a huge undereducated class of serfs desperate to work at any wage and yoked to unsustainable debt. They're well on their way

There's a great twitter thread (I know) that goes into detail on these assumptions and how they've also hurt the democrats

Make it about the real life basis for Charlie Chan, the turn of the century Hawaiian detective named Chang Apana

God that would be absolutely amazing. Tie it in with the opium wars, throw in Inspector Lin, it could be a huge hit.

Why did you say that honored name?!

Making out with a cute girl from Scarsdale on a NFTY trip to Haifa