Guys did you hear about this? Turns out Jefferson owned slaves!
Guys did you hear about this? Turns out Jefferson owned slaves!
Great background! There's an excellent article about the survival of blackface community minstrel shows in the Adirondacks which echoes a lot of your points about it being a strange hybrid art form
That's the exact same transition with me. It was an early ep with the guest star bring some guy named "Aukerman" who dropped such an apalling joke about the Dodgers fan who was stabbed to death by Giants fans that I had to hear him on his own podcast.
Well y'see he's an inscrutable chinaman with an Engrish accent. What's not to love?
I4H remains the consistently best podcast I listen to. I think because it's so firmly rooted in a distinct viewpoint it can weather the occasional bad improv troupe, and Matt still has enough cachet to consistently bring in top quality guys.
You're the absolute antithesis of correct! Gino forever, Ming never.
I really think you can date the decline in quality in CBB to Bajillion Dollar Properties. It either sucked out Scott's creativity or it just became easier to keep going to the same well of improv performers for diminishing returns but I do think that was the start of the latest rut.
My mom says he's cool
Yeah I think it's kind of the crux of the show. They've clearly received a ton of feedback urging them to get more narrative but I just don't see how that can happen. It would be a totally different show. I remember when I first started listening I thought it was going to be a DnD podcast and was so frustrated that…
That's funny, I always considered the "the plot" to be the weakest element by far. I always found the inherent humor of the early days to be strongest when playing the absurdity of the high stakes against the reality of them just putzing around a tavern. Ah well de gustibus non est disputandum.
Yes, we agree on most elements here. Keeping the government funded should be a good thing. But we live in the real world and tactics matter. The GOP rebuilt themselves from the disaster of Bush by offering no constructive solutions and trying to block everything. It worked. Continuing to compromise and muddle…
I don't understand people who want Magic Tavern to advance. The aimless digressive apathy is a feature not a bug!
Oh man, I'm finding the second season to be a great return to form so far.
CBB has kind of ended up as non-essential. When the guests are good the magic is there but the hits/misses ratio has shifted substantially over the past couple of years.
The point is that there can be no compromise. The right moves further right and will continue to do so. Chasing them down waving promises to compromise and "only" provide $15 Billion in discretionary military funding is an absolute error. It's Hillary Clinton up there at the debates saying "$15.00 is too high,…
Right here.…
It's terrifying. People have no idea how much /pol/ culture has suffused YouTube. Pewdiepie has got more recognition among 10-15 year olds than any "traditional" star.
I am just so baffled by the foundering fucking Democrats. Quit trying to bail out the GOP again and again. Shut the government the fuck down and let Trump clean up the mess, stop mollycoddling and appeasing and self-negotiating. How can you not look at the incredible success of the "tea party" and think "people…
Shit, my self-loathing is purely pro-bono. Someone wants to offer me seven figures to take it to professional levels? I can do that.
I wonder how much of all this fuckery stems from media and the "just world delusion." When you have the dominant cultural narratives focused on the inevitable triumph of good and the banishment of evil does it make for apathy? Because evil wins and it continues to win and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. …