Winterfell is no place to find a lover so Dorne is where I go
Winterfell is no place to find a lover so Dorne is where I go
I really think it's just a testament to how far the right has shifted the Overton Window. When you've got literally tens of millions of people and an entire media apparatus labeling people like Obama and HRC as "super liberals" just an eyelash away from full communism incrementalism cannot work. That's why Bernie…
He wrestled the Sword of John Adams from the dying grasp of MechaBush.
I'm telling you, this Barenstain universe is bullshit.
Pence would be a cakewalk. He's not popular and neither are his ideas. He's latched onto a consistent ideology totally at odds with the electorate. He's got none of Trump's "secret sauce" or inconsistency or ability to speak "rude truths."
Man, there's an alternate universe somewhere with Obama coming in and using his super majority to set up a "truth and reconciliation" war crimes tribunal and just going the fuck after the Bush administration. Fuck, maybe alterna-Obama breaks up Fox News and goes after Wall Street. Instead we got cash for clunkers.
Don't underestimate the power of spite. There are plenty of otherwise intelligent people who are motivated solely by the idea of "triggering the liberals" and "the lulz"
Pop Star was so good. That soundtrack is probably my most listened to album of the last year.
Yeah, they really do have that Avatar house style to a T. One of the worst things about Steve Dillon's death was them not being able to collaborate again, I always thought they were up there with Morrison/Quitely for killer combos.
Voyager is so close to being a great show but somehow it never transcends mediocrity. There are a lot of carry overs from both ds9 and TNG in BSG. On a rewatch I noticed how much of an overlap between the multiple clone Vorta and the cylons there were.
Battlestar Galactica was so good. I'd love to see what Ron Moore would do with this show, his TNG and Ds9 were the best.
Thai Buddhist. They have a surprisingly bloody history.
There's also the fact that Thailand has had a bloody Muslim insurgency in the south for decades.
"Torso" is really excellent and so are Goldfish and Jinx.
I think superhero stuff is Ennis' weakest but he's still done some great stuff in the genre. Kev and The Authority? Hitman? Fury: Max? Judge Dredd? Dan Dare? Portions of "The Boys?" Far more hits than misses. And his war stuff is far and away the best in the genre. His current run of "War Stories" is just as good as…
So that ad was just straight up about analingus? Man the 90s.
It's because he bathes in topical testosterone cream every night
What's terrible is how obvious the next one will be. The current retail store meltdown coupled with the coming cratering of international tourism and the collapse of the ACA will be major crises that are going to hit all sectors
Well as an angry old man it's definitely a case of selection bias. I have no idea who any of the youtubers you mentioned are. The only ones that I'm aware of tend to be in the news for shit like this, or JonTron and Pewdiepie.
If it's one thing the past few months have taught me is that if you're a full time "YouTube personality" you're definitely racist and likely a child abuser.