Tim Tankerd

Lorne produces the Tonight Show. He's getting a taste from everything Fallon does. If you want to get conspiracy theory about it you can note that he produced Conan's late show but was not made a producer on Conan's tonight show and how long did that last?

No entity has been more responsible for our current shitshow than Fox News. The fact that the corporate mastermind and their number one star were both sexual predators is pretty incredible. The influence of these vile people is so profound. They're essentially running the country through Trump.

Here's a pretty good summary

It's a big example of people substituting consumption of media for actual character. Like beyond their socially mediated roles as employee or whatever they've taken to using "what they like" as a substitute for "who they are".

I think that Sonic and the girl mouse from Rescue Rangers are responsible for like 85% of all Furries.

I think they're still in base-building mode. Turning a disaffected NEET into a committed digital Brownshirt takes time but pays long term dividends.

Socially acceptable perversion and an almost entirely ethnically homogenous population.

Based Zach and Coke is redpilling us all!

The fact that "Revenge of the Nerds" is still considered a light hearted romp safe for TNT afternoon broadcast and not a horror film about rape and unwanted sexual advance is pretty telling

That's the sort of genteel perversion I can get behind eh wot?

I wonder if that attitude is genetic. The breeders will keep winning as long as they have the ability to pass on advantageous traits while us dead-ends have nothing to pass on but our vinyl.

@RichardBSpencer I want to exist Mr. Spencer, I need place to be a furry and be myself as Foxler without all this hate.

I try to be a tolerant and open minded guy. Open to all gender identities, amenable to most ideologies, tolerant of others. I'll admit that there is something just so profoundly off about Furries that I have a hard time being accepting. I just honestly do not "get" it.

Lol, I've said it before. He could perform an abortion in the middle of the White House lawn and he'd still get 80+% approval from the Christian Right.

It's not just right wing. It's anyone on TV. They get hypnotized by the pentagon junkets and media packages and end up drooling in lust like old Brian Williams.

Well at this point I'd say it's pretty obvious. I'd be much more astonished if they demonstrated the ability to accomplish, well, anything without it being half-assed and poorly done.

I was much more terrified about the anniversary before I saw that Trump was taking a four-day-weekend at mar-a-lago without any senior staff. I mean you need at least a couple of Trumpen apparatchiks to start WW3.

Haha, boy I'm sure glad we're not teetering on the edge of unprecedented global conflict so I can laugh at those wacky rubes in the White House!

I like how the trailer starts in media Reys

Not "made to" but yes cross-dressing was a major element of minstrel shows