Also that Asian club of Kimmy Schmidt was really bad. It's a great show and I appreciate the comic instinct to go where you're not supposed to go and race is still one of the great taboos but man, stay in your lane Fey.
Also that Asian club of Kimmy Schmidt was really bad. It's a great show and I appreciate the comic instinct to go where you're not supposed to go and race is still one of the great taboos but man, stay in your lane Fey.
The sequel to The Lady Who Bit Mussolini and Then The Chupacabra
"When will they let me out of this attic?"
Oh yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. This quote in the WP says a lot
Oh I still think he's an evil genius. I really do believe that bringing Bill's accusers to the second debate and putting them on stage was the only thing that could have defused "Grab 'em by the pussy". He also grasped early on that the GOP could be stolen easily, that the wants of the donor class and the base were…
I still think Garth Ennis' "Fury Max" is the best interpretation.
They may not all be bigots but they've clearly demonstrated at least an acceptance of bigotry.
It's a poor man's idea of "fine dining". Meanwhile the real plutocrats are eating foie gras scented air debouched from the horn of a cow served with a whisk of sunchoke via Ferran Adria.
Not only do they not contain any THC the actual CBD amount is absolutely negligible. These are just an exercise in marketing.
Holy shit, $40 for a pack of nine 10 mg candies? 10 mg of CBD?! No THC?!? This is so patently obvious a scam it's ridiculous. Y'know AVclub, just because a PR flack sends you something vaguely pop culture related doesn't mean you need to give them this kind of free advertising.
Crikey, my knee jerk Australophobia went right to the boozing. 'Strewth.
Domi dola solmi resiredo sisilami
God, I'm so over these second-rate spoken languages. Solresol or gtfo.
Unfortunately that stands for Aboriginals (treated poorly), Victoria (bitter consumed nonstop) Club.
"Abu Bakr was the worthy successor to the prophet!"
They're pretty far left and the Paul Giamatti reaction seems to indicate that they're unimpressed with the snarky tone of Sean's newswire. It was just a weird feeling seeing your comment on this guy's twitter. It reminded me that any comment on the internet can be signal boosted to a huge degree and that, even…
On a different topic did you see that your comment on the Bernie Sanders podcast thing made it to the hosts of Chapo?
Fuck, 2016 had me feeling sympathy for Jeb! fucking Bush so this year has got a lot of ground to cover.
What's more American than morbidly obese robots? If we can teach them to guzzle corn syrup directly we can remove the entire surplus humanity of the Midwest!
It's the whitest majority city in America. It has a long and ugly racial history that continues until today