You know I'm not so sure that's totally a parody. I think he represents something to a lot of people and he's got a weird MRA contingent that contends his onerous alimony is what has stopped his career.
I think they're well on the way. Their authority is vague and nebulous, they can operate in American cities using some genuinely fucked up tactics and they're the type of sociopath who would take a job breaking up families. Give them time and I think we'll see them become much worse.
It really was an eye-opening experience. I always knew there were a solid chunk of vile people but I really didn't think that there were 62,979,879 of them.
I have not heard anything about that. I remember they released Colin Powell's emails but that was about it. I think Trump tapped into a vein of resentment that was much more potent than he expected and that can account for a lot of his success.
Yeah, there is a solid chunk of the armed forces that are pretty depraved. That nude photo facebook thing is just the tip of the iceberg. And with ICE he's got a sick organization of sick individuals that are personally loyal to him. I really hope it doesn't come to an actual armed conflict. Things could get…
The amount of money he's grifted from the secret service through mar-a-lago and renting space on his private plane and tower is probably already close to what he spent on the campaign.
He's got a solid cohort in positions of power. There are huge factions in the FBI that are pro-Trump, he's got ICE operating as his domestic gestapo and likely a significant chunk of the military.
Ca ira! Les Trumps à la lanterne!
The dumbasses were always going to vote republican. The biggest Russian effect was likely in dampening enthusiasm on the left (Wikileaks and Bernie) and helping to convince persuadable centrists that "both sides are the same". The fentanylumpenproles were hard in the tank for the GOP no matter what.
With the other 20% being "Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge/ Jacob's Ladder"
"Nein I did not intend this divine superweapon should be used to alter the course of history. My plan was to use it to write a paper on ritual funerary practices in early Judean culture!"
I am the king shit of fuck mountain who knocks.
Six foot eight weighs a fucking ton?!
I guess if you've got a life with zero horizons in some backwater old soviet planned city you can either get into moonshine and krokodil or do shit like this.
Daaaa ponchiki
It's like a textbook way people incriminate themselves. They get cute/smart then subconsciously want to be exposed to elicit approval. It's hilarious that the guy who came closer than anyone to singlehandedly swaying the election was this sloppy.
Dollars to donuts more than half are Russian.