It wasn't a cake fail at all. Dude was legitimately just mangling a cake. This is a bad thing.
It wasn't a cake fail at all. Dude was legitimately just mangling a cake. This is a bad thing.
Gonna Kinja-fy myself by thirty percent!
God, they've started such a baffling campaign in my city. Just ad after ad for things like "Jail Blimp", "kale limp" and the like. I get that it works, it sparks engagement, but man it feels super try-hard when there's a different version of their ads on every billboard for blocks.
Sold all my shares of that to go long on Zombo. When the market finally wakes up to its disruptive potential I'll be sitting pretty.
So Trey, you're number two on Reddit right behind a post about Pizzagate and directly above a post concerning SJW infiltration of Bioware. Feel good?
Oh how nice, a phallic obelisk on the 666 ley line. I think we need Alan Moore to do a little investigating here.
Shhh… now can I interest you in some shares of TSLA?
Is gay life now like 90% hookup apps? I read a really fascinating article about the rise of these apps coinciding with the loss of gay community spaces and how they've led to a surprising rise in feelings of alienation.
One of the wonderfully baffling things about today is that SNAP's market cap is over ten times that of The NY Times, ostensibly one of the most established and respected media companies in the world. Strange times.
Ah, so that was his mission.
Wow, Colbert is the oldest man on late night, but he's still one year younger than Conan.
Huh, according to the internet Colbert is just on the cusp of Baby Boomer (1964) while Fallon is solid Gen X (1974). I guess James Corden is closest at 1978 but still Gen X.
Trump is proving the dictum that you should never get high off your own supply (of propaganda).
Oldest, fattest, dumbest
That is what's so scary to me. They're deliberately understaffing so many positions and they've cultivated their own little armed power base. What would happen if Trump sent in ICE goons to "secure" the Senate for national security purposes? Who would legitimately stop them?
He looks like a burn victim. This might end up being more awkward than Samantha Bee's nazi chemo patient segment.
It's the sheer weight of the defending apparatus that is really astounding. An entire media culture, two branches of government, the millions of self-proclaimed "real Americans", all scrambling to defend the paranoiac ramblings of someone with incipient dementia on top of a pre-existing mental illnesss. I cannot…
Not quite. It was about initial prescription size versus likelihood of continued usage.
Well that sounds like you may have been showing possible symptoms even before you smoked weed as a teenager. I'm not going to discount your experiences or try and play gotcha but I'd be careful about spreading pseudoscience or propaganda even if it is based on your own anecdotal experience. There's a world of…
Well based on your age and symptoms I'd wager you may have some schizophrenic tendencies. I am not a doctor or therapist but I would urge you to see one if you're not. Good luck, it's a tough row to hoe but early therapeutic intervention does help with patient outcome.