Well there's ASH (alcoholic steatohepatitis) and NASH (Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) so maybe there's a pun about Evil Dead or Nash Bridges in there somewhere.
Well there's ASH (alcoholic steatohepatitis) and NASH (Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) so maybe there's a pun about Evil Dead or Nash Bridges in there somewhere.
There is a horrifying cohort of true believers who would follow Trump into the gates of hell. That "shooting people on 5th avenue" was incredibly astute. There absolutely are millions of Americans who would cheerfully die or kill for Trump.
It's Mac, Le Moor. The Gang from Alway Sunny are putting on a French production of Othello.
FLD is a bitch and is epidemic in American society. Weight loss and diet changes can reverse it but it requires a ton of effort and vigilance.
I liked it?
Is this a remake? How they possibly gonna improve on Sean Connery as old man Robin Hood?
And yet I can walk into a petco and walk out with a parrot that will pass the mirror test. Hell most any corvid on the street demonstrates some self-aware intelligence. Your sushi platter with octopus has a self-aware intelligence right there on the plate. Let's worry about extending rights to the species that…
You're just mailing those puns in.
Worse than the bar rag episode? Worse than the non-halloween aliens episode? Zut Alors, I must watch this trash!
Rewatching those older episodes you can't help but notice how genuinely shocking some of the Itchy and Scratchy violence is. The show really pushed the envelope back in the day.
Yeah, I'll have to give it another shot. It's funny. I watched those episodes when I was too young to relate to them and now I'm too old. Time man, what a bitch.
Hmmm… It's been too long since I revisited them but I'd probably go:
3, 5, 6, 2, 4, 1, 7
There is a lot of gold in that first season and don't underestimate the amount of heavy lifting that went into just establishing the tone and characters. Sure there were some misfires but if you look at what they were trying to accomplish it's damned remarkable. I remain firmly in the "season seven remains largely…
Well that is definitely some nice gravy for the burger boy and spoonman. Looking up WGA minimums for Wiger and SAG minimums for Mitchell seems to indicate that they're doing pretty damn well even without the patreon. Hopefully this sort of "free" money helps reignite the passion as opposed to adding additional…
Jesus- you're right. Minus Patreon's 5% cut and whatever they pay Dustin that does seem to be a pretty solid chunk of change. It's almost twice the average American income.
I don't like them in theory!
Chicken Fight is good!
Bonus patreon eps are bad!
MRS is so damn good. I initially thought it was just going to be serial jr but I have been very impressed so far. Can't wait to find out if Theresa is really a witch!
There's been a weird undercurrent of attraction and fixation going all the way back to the times of "Words With Friends"-gate. It's just part of the charm!
Entropy is low energy! Sad!