Tim Tankerd

That's my guess. NK has a solid military, nukes and can shell Seoul into a crater within half an hour. Go for the easy layup, blame everything on Obama's "bad deal", get those sweet pundit accolades for acting presidential over soldier corpses. Bonus is if he uses nuclear weapons and makes America a global

So Trump needs a war. Will it be Iran or North Korea?

That's such a good comic. Still holds up.

"Mack Bolan, alias The Executioner, is a fictional character who has been serialized in over 600 novels with sales of more than 200 million books"

"Finally librul Hollywood makes something for me!"

I looked up that old review and so many memories of those glorious days of early TV Club just came flooding back. Things were chaotic and unformed and haphazard and Rabin may not have even watched the show in question but it had charm dammit. Charm.

Referencing a review written seven years ago? Jesus, that's a deep cut.

Exactly. You're aware of it but contribute no practical metric towards its engagement numbers. It serves a unique but very strange niche in the global landscape.

There's really not a great word for it. Everyone knows what it is but the actual numbers of users are just miniscule compared to facebook.

Really is that simple. It's extraordinary that this relatively obscure and unprofitable company is the President's conduit but as long as it keeps the website in the zeitgeist they've got no reason to block him. Peter Thiel should just buy it if they want a total digital Pravda.

The Kufta was terrible… and such small portions!

When it's democrats using sky robots to drop laser guided bombs on wedding parties it's okay.

"I watched Rabin pick up the phone. I begged —begged on my knees— for him to not buy that second Kid Rock cruise ticket. I told him he'd already spent far more than his advance… but his eyes saw only the possibility for more Faygo and it was too late".

Wait, so swallowing sugar-free gum DOESN'T make your stool increase to seven times normal volume? I hate this admintration.

Since 1993 in Virginia

Ah yes- this oversightless tech colossus with unparalleled reach is now developing AI to influence its users via psychometric quantification. I can foresee no possible horrifying endgame here!

So is this Hot Wings YouTube show a brand partner or what?

God Coogan, you're so damn good but just wasting your time and talents on trying to break into American movies. I want more "Saxondale" dammit, and you can never have too much Partridge

He looks quite a bit like the average AV Club poster. Just jealousy that this manic fat man is an international movie star while the manic fat men on this forum just have 100K up votes on disqus.