Tim Tankerd

Is Kaine supposed to be Hasidic?

Yes but according to these vote turnout models Hillary is currently president.

ooooooooooohhhhhhh ssnnnappp!

Yup. Having the money and the Q Score and a lack of shame is the best way to hack the presidency. Think about how many times Trump was "done", a thousand different instances where it was all over. Then he just gave another rally and kept moving and it was all in the rear view. If you're a "politician" like Howard

Theroigne de Mericourt: Origins

Oh me? I'm Antone the upstanding baker and member of the community. This is a remarkably progressive village in fantasy France where my alternative sexual orientation is celebrated, not condemned. Zut Alors!

"From Sub-Text to Butt-Sex: The Queer Revolution in Animated Films"

Da Tovarisch. Is glorious trickle down.

They got Taylor Ham rolls and the shore. They don't need your condescension.

You ever see the mulignans down on Arthur Avenue? No? You're hired!

It's a rough situation to be sure, one that resists easy answers or the simplifications which are sort of the standard American frame of reference for these events. But I'm glad to hear that at least one citizen of an Arab Spring country is still pretty positive about the outcome. I have always wanted to go to

I'm not going to denigrate Tunisia's success but it is a very minor positive in the balance sheets when we look at the regional destabilization that stemmed from the event and the ongoing suffering in Egypt, Libya and Syria that is a direct response.

Good old Mitch. You can trace his weight loss struggles over multiple podcasts and media and it's a journey.

Look, I want a jewel that represents untold hours of human suffering and I want it to have zero resale value. If not Diamonds then what?

Truly a resounding success. Democracy has swept the Middle East, Syria is the new "City on the Hill", Libya is doing better than ever, there is no European refugee crisis and things have never been finer!

Not enough Doctor Gene: Medicine Cordero for my tastes!

The mere fact that you're asking that is telling me you're not ready yet to handle dank memes.

If you have to ask you'll never dank.

Looks like fifth fattest president

It's impossible not to look back with regret at how meek Obama got there in the last couple of years. Just letting the GOP take Garland's seat was stunning. Trump should be much more like Obama but I think the lesson learned is that Obama could have used a bit of a Trump himself.