Tim Tankerd

Look the fact that Univision is majority owned and managed by top Clinton donor Haim Saban is a total coincidence. Now enjoy these articles about the Power Rangers reboot and a piece on why Chelsea is the spiciest of memelords.

I really don't get that character even in the slightest. Mings contributions to that recent episode with Anthony Atamaniuk, Rachel Bloom and Mike Hanford was so bad I couldn't figure out if his derailments were meant to be ironically racist anti-humor or sincere attempts at comedy.

His gimmick is he's a funny Chinaman who speaks in broken English. He goes in the same category as Betsy Sodaro's gypsy and Paul F. Tompkin's Les Weissman for characters that are just a slight exaggeration away from being able to fit into a Stormfront podcast.

No- I prefer the theory that his housekeeper is a literal witch.


Alan Moore's "Top 10" is my gold standard for the genre. "True Detective" season one lifted a lot from it.

Shut up and vote for Chelsea plebe.

I wanted to see this guy max out all his credit cards going on a Four Loko cruise followed by several posts about debt consolidation

Like almost everything he tweets it was directly preceded by a segment on Fox and Friends that showed the ad

He's older! More racist! And even more senile! Trump is Reagan+!

As long as 90% of republicans trust Trump over the media he's pretty much unstoppable. He has the base under lockdown and can have anyone he wants in the GOP primaried with a few tweets. FBI is pretty deep in the bag and the AG is Jeff Fucking Sessions. We're in for quite awhile of this.

Hmmm… at least with commenting we get the occasional acknowledgement of our existence through the odd upvote or reply. If dicking around on the internet is the new religion than sign me up!

Sacre bleu! As a 12th level devotee of the Horned God of Geocentrism whose great grandparents beat the Frogs at Yorktown this is complete hogwash!

This is Ninhursag's time to shine baby!

Going to be replaced by the inaugural Breitbart Burger Bash

Already Vaped

The DS9 reviews may have been the best this site ever got in terms of tv club. Just a very clear labor of love because the show was worth it, not for clicks. And Rapping Jake Sisko was, easily, the very best gimmick account. Probably the high water mark of review/comments synergy.

Paul Anus? Get your ass up.

God these products are just so baffling to me. It's an always on, always listening microphone in your home. At best it exists to turn your every word into proprietary marketing data, at worst it is a one way pipe from your home to the NSA designed to create a psychometric profile that could be used to flag any

White people be sticking muscle milk up their ass like this: Pump pump pump
Black people be sticking muscle milk up they ass like this: pimp pimp pimp