Tim Tankerd

Colon cleansed! Story at 11:00

It's profoundly disturbing to me that that feature has been over for seven years

Any reasonable adult can carve out the few minutes a day it takes to make pruno or any other prison wine.

Ah for the days of "Big Box Of Paperbacks Book Club", "Nashville or Bust", or "Then! that's what I call music".

The franchise has really needed references to both Red Lobster and Digornios

Fucking Kenny Powers is in this?!! Hell yea

No man has ever got so much mileage out of being nice to reporters for a few months in 2000. The way he's coasted on those "straight talk express" fumes for nearly two decades is just astounding.

Alright, starting the Clooney/Gillibrand hype train right here

Da comrade- beautiful FSB publishes Fine Superhero Books. So nice- read in Donetsk is beautiful nyet?

Remember the days when Doug would hang out in the comment sections of Podmass to yell at people? I long for those simpler times.

You guys know this is 100% a Russian scheme?

It's awesome. Baldwin's absolute best performance. Total campfest. So good.

He has some intuitive NLP thing going when he speaks. You listen to him and it comes across as so much more intelligible then it does if you read a transcript. He's not saying anything but he's convincing.

Uh actually that movie was "Batman Forever 4"

The only times I've heard that it's used to either defame things like affirmative action or defend casual racism.

Oy mate, fancy a Chinky?

Someday they're going to make one hell of a movie about Lohan.

That's absolutely true. Some of it is just aging. But if you look at videos of the debate from 2008 between her and Obama the change is immense- she was a much more vibrant and animated candidate. Though that's a double standard and likely my own implicit biases.

Fat stacks and sweet cockney minge. Man is living the U.K. Dream.

Let's get weird and have it be the Hasslehoff Nick Fury talking about going to war with some alternate dimension.