Tim Tankerd

Huh, according to wikipedia the first modern post-credits sting was allegedly the Muppets Movie back in the 1970s

And god knows I did what I could to ensure she triumphed when that was an option. I donated my time and money. But if we can't be honest in our post-mortems we're just setting ourselves up for failure again. This country cannot survive with a GOP that does nothing but tack to the right and a DNC that can do

What about a Lobster Johnson movie?

The change I had in conception of Jeb from the horrifying scion of a morally bankrupt dynasty into a plucky little goober who just tried his hardest gosh darnit was one of the stranger side-effects of the election

Nothing more woke than passing out!

The end of the dynasties and the constant humiliation of Chris Christie are the only bright spots so far.

Having that realization has been damned painful. God knows I was on the front lines of the pragmatic centrist wing, donating to Hillary and patiently telling my friends and relatives that "yes Bernie may be far more ideologically aligned with my beliefs and yes he's a far more compelling speaker but the fundamentals

Hillary 2020, Chelsea 2028, CLIN-BOT-GOV 2032, then uhhh… maybe Sanders?

Oh I get it. You actually believed she was a good candidate who ran a good campaign and not the desperate spasms of a hopelessly compromised centrism brought down through rank overconfidence and sheer incompetence. Well, keep fucking that chicken!

Whoops, I meant "Yaaaas kween, khaleesi so good. Hillary unstoppable, Arab spring massive success, Libya bastion of democracy, centrist compromise only path to victory in America, $15.00 is too high! Let's try 12.50, khaleesi Leslie Knope yaasss kween".

"This is now the Rogue National Marine Fisheries Service account, I just heard Bannon telling Trump to murder all the fish in the world"

What's that you say? A public figure who has been reviled for decades and holds an outsized role as a conservative boogeyman? Huh, she's a compulsively corporate centrist dedicated to regime change whose fervent base consists only of Lena Dunham? She has a troubling history of mental confusion and weakness following

Look, you asked to live in a country defined by venomous animals, ungodly amounts of UV radiation, slow motion environmental collapse, and casual racism enlivened only by watching underage kids from Adelaide pounding bags of wine. You've got that kind of paradise and you're complaining about entertainment?! Go chug

Ah yes, the Cromwell Tax.

Hey remember Demonoid? Man that was a sweet tracker.

That could very well be so! I liked "The Eagle" though, it was a solid little period piece with a fine bit o' Tatum in it. God, when you lay them all out like that it seems really clear Hollywood has been champing at the bit for the next Gladiator.

Tweet that sweet laurel canyon sound baby.

On the one hand yes, but on the other… no?

I'm going to have to revisit it. It has gotten totally mixed with "Centurion" in my mind and now I can't figure out if I liked it or not.