Tim Tankerd

Why not? Her dad was a huge influence on popular culture and I'd bet she's seeing close to seven figures a year on residuals. Might as well make it a career.

Oh yeah. Wasn't Kiera Knightley like some Elvish archer in that? I think it was good? Maybe I'm confusing it with "Centurion" which was actually a pretty solid take on Arthurian legend from a historical perspective.

The "you" are the Romanised British elites, the "I'm" that's going to leave are the Roman legions departing in the 5th century due to increasing unrest and economic retrenchment. Quite apt really.

You know what still super holds up? "Excalibur". Yes the pacing is a little funky and the effects are squarely early 1980s but it's so much better than more recent things like "First Knight" and that Starz thing.

It's one of the most amazing bits of political karate I've ever seen. It went from Macedonian teenagers making fat stacks through facebook pages saying "Pope Endorses Trump!!!!" to any critical coverage in no time at all. I wonder if it was just people being too clever by calling it "fake news" instead of "hoax" or

Again, how? Documents can be faked, voices can be dubbed, video can be CGI'd. CIA or FBI investigation? More fake news. By effectively attacking all intermediaries Republicans are just completely insulated from any critical reportage. The "sane conservatives" are very few and far between and their numbers are

Ah the 90s. Just wait, eventually Disney will absorb the new Time Warner ATT and maybe, just maybe, it'll be Amalgam Comics time.

That is wrong! It's a damn great film. That scene with the line cutter and the wrench is one of the best "action" sequences in modern superhero films.

Fart sounds huh? Well see ya!

But who could reveal it? Anyone reporting it would be "Fake News". If Ryan and McCain and the WSJ editorial board all got together to reveal it they'd be dismissed as bitter establishment cucks.

Exactly. Look what they accomplished in terms of disenfranchisement and vote obstruction under Obama with an aggressive DOJ and civil rights division. With Sessions as AG?

Standard response to all Trump news re: malfeasance, incompetence and treason

I really hope so. I just think things have reached a near irreversible level within the republicans. He has created a situation where republicans can dismiss any intermediation through the media as "fake news". I mean even if there are receipts and pictures of him banging that chambermaid then paying for her to

That's the other possibility. I don't know which is scarier, the idea that once technological intelligence is developed it inevitably leads to a planetary self-destruct or that humanity is a near miraculous occurrence in a largely lifeless universe and we're still heading for irreversible ecological disaster after

As I mentioned elsewhere we've got enough of a handle on our immediate galaxy with its 100s of billions of stars and associated exoplanets of a wide range of ages to have a pretty solid sample size. When you look at the sheer amount of output we've sent into the universe in the past 100 years, all of which should

That's what makes so much of the liberal strategy for dealing with this ineffective. There is a fervent bloc of slavering maniacs who've been marinating in the Fox News swamps for a long long time along with an equivalent subset of /pol/ freaks. These groups can never be won over, they're true believers unto death.

Right, the idea though is that there would have been intermediate steps that would be detectable using our simple telescopes. On a universal time scale like we have the evidence of these intermediate steps should be visible. The idea is that if technological advancement exists on the same exponential scale on earth

Well yes, on a fully universal scale we don't have the technology yet to make the necessary observations. But we've got a solid handle on our galactic neighborhood (all ~200 billion stars with associated exoplanets) and the silence is deafening. Maybe the Milky Way is some kind of largely lifeless outlier but I

If alien intelligence followed a trajectory of technological adaptation anywhere similar to ours on the vastly larger timescale of the universe there would be some evidence of it somewhere. I have no doubt that aliens exist but the kind of exponential growth of technological adaptation we've experienced seems to

Typical Trumpette response. Get criticism of their god emperor go straight into driving their new Land Rover Range Rover to their lucrative google financial job.