Tim Tankerd

It's the ultimate assertion of the Fermi Paradox. Once the technology curve gets ramped up the species in question will inevitably destroy itself before it is capable of implementing observable change in the cosmos. The rapidity of exponential technology growth means that the skies should be so full of obvious

Don't worry. They're only a single statehouse away from being able to convene a constitutional convention to rewrite the constitution in a way it could take a century to undo!

Said it before and will say it again but the extended humiliation Trump has done on Christie is the one unequivocally beautiful aspect of his campaign and presidency.

We need a general willing to do a full Cassius Chaerea for the team.

Just set up a free fentanyl tent outside every rally and wait for that base to die off.

At this point I am ready for my government issued bread and circus related tax credits.

Please don't criticize President Thicc Ass

Oh you've got your Dylann Roof, Alexander Bisonnette, radioactive death ray on mosques guy, planned parenthood shooter, Somalia apartment complex bomber, sovereign citizen maniacs like the Bundys or that couple who killed those cops at a Walmart and draped a Gadsden flag on their corpse and many more. The roster of

We need a new DNC as well.

Never underestimate old Volodya- he's playing a game with a much longer horizon than four years. Putin's motivations are the return of the soviet sphere of influence in Central Asia and East Europe and it's going along swimmingly. An erratic and incompetent rube in the White House is the best possible thing that

What's terrifying is that Trump has his fervent base, 90% of which trust him over the media. He's got his ICE goons who've been behind him since the campaign along with a not insubstantial chunk of the FBI and the millitary. He's got a full bore propaganda network. Things could get really scary really fast if he

Nothing. GOP still has legislative control and they're not going to "take one for the team". They're going to ride this tiger to tax cut city and they don't give a single fuck if it mauls the constitution and national sovereignty along the way.

I have been watching this clip from Meatballs since he claimed he couldn't be judged by a Mexican- I thought that surely this overt racism must be the bridge too far for most of his base. It's gotten a lot of play since.

*DNC's new platform*

"I'm a fiscal conservative you see. I draw the line at 50 stories of security in a gold plated tower. 47 is totally reasonable"

Conversely the extended campaign of humiliation Christie has underwent under Trump is one of the only good things I can say about the election

It's a really strange tack to take. You can blame Fallon for being an anodyne piece of shit drunk but I cannot conceive of a swing voter who saw the hair tussle and thought "he's my guy". Blaming Fallon for "normalizing" Trump is absurd. I think it just sticks in the craw of the pop-culture obsessed because late

Hell, the Doctor's Plot and subsequent purge was hatched behind the wheel of Lada Pool Karaoke

We're the worst! Obese madmen open carrying AR-15s on their morning opiate/ Krispy Kreme circuit!

Fuck, Americans chose Trump. We choose access to guns over safety in schools. We choose bankruptcy and premature death over socialized healthcare or safety net. Jimmy Fallon is the human equivalent of the recent repealing of laws restricting gun ownership to the mentally ill. He's the human form of every fentanyl