Tim Tankerd

It's distressing to see how much the nazis are celebrating this as "the red pilling of generation z" but it's true. The guy has a massive following of devoted fans who don't consume any traditional media and they are (unfortunately) the future.

It's incredible how she's flown under the radar. She's a one woman nexus connecting Fox, Putin, the Trumps, Tony Blair and more.

Ah but spyderco makes that cool folding claw thing that Hannibal Lecter uses to gut the Italian detective in "Hannibal"

"That was an American made feather duster! Now do you have a minute to listen about Pizzagate?"

They led to the Tek War so gradually I never even noticed

*smash cut to eighth year of presidency and Trump giving congressional Medal of Honor to Alex Jones*

But could they be eating chicken wings while doing karaoke in a car?

First you get the da218c, then you get mclaren f1, then you get the women.

A "C" for Commisioner Susser's latest feature? That's not going to the golden plate club.

That movie had such bizarrely regressive elements. The fact that the fiery Latino was, literally, a fiery Latino was just one of them.

"It's hell to be Mel"

The Trump parallels are pretty blatant. Shoddily made and critically reviled? Better make it President/ gross a billion dollars!

Did anyone else find "Hacksaw Ridge" laughably bad? There were major levels of camp- not the least of which was an entirely English and Australian cast (except for Vince Vaughan) playing the ragtag bunch of recruits. Hell there literally was a character named "Tex".

She should have known drinking Reich Chancellery Cola wasn't going to work out for her!

Jesus, their faces look like that meme where you zoom in on one weird expression and pan out and see the weird expression photoshopped onto every face.

One count of being a woman and one count of aggravated "being a democrat".

"I may not like the Jew, but I hate the Chinese too!" was a really strange direction for her to take.

"Ignored AIDS, traded weapons for hostages, supported Central American death and rape squads".

Lorillard has a very long and very dirty history of direct marketing in black communities through misinformation and rumor.

Huh, you're right. I did totally forget that this was the central premise of the original x-men.