Tim Tankerd

Hmm… is this more a ripoff of PS238 or the dozens of X titles that have had a similar plot in the last couple decades

Wuss? What is this, the 90s? The appropriate phrase is always "cuck".

Ayuh. Media conglomeration is not a good thing.

It is actually majority owned and currently chaired by prominent Clinton supporter and "influencer" Haim Saban

I for one would be happy to see the dissolution of the United States into constituent elements ran by strongman warlords so long as Jimmy Kimmel knows his place.

That's what's so astounding. They had the best opportunity to fundamentally remake America since LBJ. If they had just tried to play the long game with a semblance of competency, kept their head down, made their appointments etc things could have turned out so different. Really sobering thinking that the only thing

I'm still waiting for Tom Arnold to rappel through the ceiling of the House with a hundred copies of those tapes to give to one and all.

Constant Norway envy served with a chaser of Danish resentment and a final soupçon of generalized fear of Finns.

It's downright incredible. He's at a point where 90(!)% of the republicans trust him more than the media. I'd reckon there was an element of Ryan et al hoping to ride this tiger long enough to pass what they wanted but I don't think they can touch him.

Getting Zany in Zurich! Going Gaga in Geneva! Uhh it's a Zermatter of mental health?

I'll believe it the same day we see Tom Arnold's tapes… never. There's more than enough stuff to sink him a dozen times over without relying on celebrities with rumored connections.

Well the little dinosaurs and the poke mans are sort of a metaphor for the Tamil conflict in Sri Lanka

"Hope: Internet will allow people from different backgrounds to communicate & understand one another.

The ACA was such a goddamn self goal. Just like Hillary with her "Settle for $12.00" rhetoric it's so disheartening seeing the Democrats just negotiate themselves into irrelevance.

Someone left the Duplass Brothers out on the lawn overnight and they melted.

I've got to imagine they're pumping those kids so full of hormone suppressing drugs and chasing them with cigarettes and coffee- anything to stave off puberty before the final season.

Start with the MRA/PUA communities, add a little red pilling, bang! You got a sexless internet brownshirt ready to shitpost!

How many more days until halloween (silver shamrock!)?

After a year or so of Sessions suppression and a major dose of new "voter fraud" scandals I am not very confident about the 2018 midterms.

Identity politics at it again. I am sick and tired of inner squats telling us who is and isn't a belter- sa sa?