Tim Tankerd

I recommend getting a zoloft prescription and cancelling your internet.

After the OPA went full Bernie or Bust I'm just not sure about the viability of centrist politicians from Ceres, Callisto or Ganymede.

There's no way Trump didn't know about Flynn's Russian contacts and lying. The silence and the keeping him on tells you everything. Spicy is a dead man walking.

Hey y'all go on that infowars? Got some dang ol' super High T supplements I tell ya what.

Jesus- your comment just blew my mind. I could have sworn the final line was "even MTV" as a reference to Uncle Jesse's rocking past.

Unfortunately literally 90% of Republicans now trust Trump more than the media. Absolutely incontrovertible proof would be waved away or rationalized. It will require a seismic shift in national attitudes for a news story to have an effect.

He also is just another politician entirely lacking in Trump's mojo. There isn't going to be an army of deplorable pepes out there marching for old man Pence.

Meeks' piece in the LRB on the topic is some of the best Brexit reporting there's been

It's also impossible to fact check. By saying "under-reported" instead of "non reported" they've moved the goal posts to an impossible standard and a huge chunk of the media bought into with their aggregating posts and pats on their back that did exactly what he wanted

Oh I get it. Michael Showalter is Paul Rudd's portrait of Dorian Grey.

"Yes you're a slavering xenophobic maniac high on a potent blend of racial resentment and barely sublimated misogyny… but how can I reach out and improve your life? Top up your fentanyl? Buy you some hollow points?"

The governmental response to Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown et al has ended up being a "Blue Lives Matter" executive order. People tend to underestimate the power of reactionaries.

I really think he's a "true believer" along with a substantial chunk of the FBI.

But that pivot is a coming any day now!

And he made weed grow in fast forward for Constantine's birthday

"Biased NBC at it again! Am sending in Seal Team 6 to deport KNOWN CANADIAN Lorne and make SNL win again!!! "

"When they go low…. they win"

It's that Sorkin delusion that all republicans are a single perfect crafted bon mot away from imploding into a singularity of hipocrisy. "Are they funny" should be the criteria, not this ridiculous 11th dimensional chess regarding what Trump may or not think about the casting.

That's going to be our new national anthem

There's some thing so surreal about this all. We've got networks programming to an audience of one and it totally works. Whoever is in charge of daytime programming for Fox and CNN are now literally some of the most powerful people in the world