Tim Tankerd

That is definitely not the traditional Jolly Roger

I definitely noticed a change in reporting. It went from "candidate admits to sexual assault on tape" to "both sides exchange heated accusations".
Like just read the times post mortem and notice how much space is given to the accusers and the denials

By that point I'll be willing to revisit "Crystal Skull" and uhh… that tank movie with Brad Pitt?

No, I'm sorry. It will take the internment camps being opened and the nuclear devastation of the west coast before I'll agree with Shia on anything.

The way he handled the pussy tape was what convinced me. Bringing Bills accusers into the second debate and trying to put them in the family box was the sleaziest thing I could imagine but it really did shift the narrative and prevented a knockout blow.

Uh is there a good reason he's got a SS totenkopf on his lapel there?

This is the sequel "Between one potted succulent and a bank of televisions"

Constantly underestimating them has been a serious issue for the past year, i.e. "Dumpster Fire". Trump may be a syphillitic toad with some kind of savant NLP skills but Bannon is, by any standard, an evil genius. Don't judge a book by its (bloated, gin blossom filled) cover. If his goal as a self professed

It was that mean, mean pride

Human psychology is a funny thing. Heart disease kills a lot more people than like serial killers or terrorists but what are people scared of?

It's probably the most likely it's been since Cuba.

On the one hand his parents both died over 90 and he's never smoked or drank, on the other he eats like a pig, doesn't sleep more than four hours, never exercises and seems to lack close personal relationships. I'm not sure how long he'll make it in that bunker before his aorta explodes

I met him, fifteen years ago; I was told there was nothing left; no reason, no conscience, no understanding; and even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes… the devil's eyes. I spent

Oh man. Kenny Powers versus Michael Meyers would be the greatest movie ever made.

"Uh chief, this warrant just says HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG on a background made of a picture of Shrek's face repeated 500 times"

Man that APB is some disturbing looking shit. It seems like the first step in conditioning people to accept Peter Thiel as their local Gauleiter or something.

It's the classic Goebbels/Goering Conundrum.

We'll call you all "Macdonald's Marauders", the Fighting 51st!

It's been a long time coming but radicalizing the hikkomori and NEETs through "red pilling" is going to pay huge dividends. They unironically refer to it as weaponized autism. There's a massive amount of people who are unemployed, uneducated and disaffected and /pol/, The_Donald and Stormfront have done a hell of a

One of my favorite recent Onions