Tim Tankerd

Oh shit, did Kelly Bundy just walk in?

Praying… or planning.

After the last couple weeks I really do think there was some meeting with McConnel and Ryan and Trump where they basically said: "sign what we give you, appoint who we tell you, and you'll be given free rein to loot". Maybe if the midterms are some kind of historic rebuke but with Sessions as AG I'm just expecting

What's really fun will be when the corruption starts trickling downwards and every interaction with authority will become inherently debased as this grows more entrenched. I wonder what euphemism will have to be our equivalent of the "mordida" or "baksheesh". Maybe the Trump tax?

They lost nearly $2 billion in market cap between yesterday and today

Do they make goggles you can wear under a klan hood?

I am hoping all this VR and AR crap still has another few years before mass adoption. The disruption they're going to cause to our society will be immense and I really don't see an upside.

The characters name in the original draft was Louis L'Roi Du Australia but they thought it was a little on the nose.

Unfortunately the other jacket won't be released because, I quote, he "didn't have time for tweed"

What I'm worried about is how they're laying the groundwork for it. 90% of republicans trust the President more than the media.

For better or for (much) worse a hyperadvanced purposeless and incredibly unsustainable playground of a city built on cheap credit and slave labor is about as perfect a metaphor for global society as you're likely to find.

Not directly, they are the standard anonymous "two sources familiar with Flynn’s accounts of the incident" which I just read as Flynn being comfortable telling anyone about it and not caring if it leaked.

Man, a big budget adaptation of "White Mischief" that really laid on the decadence would make for an incredible movie or series.

I have a very deep certainty they're going to uncover some "plot" by either second generation children of refugees or La Raza activists and it will be soon.

That's not even the strangest part, the fact that he made the call at 3:00 am is. The fact that Flynn feels comfortable telling people about it makes me think that the awareness of his insanity and incompetence has to be spreading.

He sure was a deeply strange man. I was rereading Truman Capote's 1950s profile of him which spurred me into reading thie profile of one of his Tahitian sons. It's like a remarkable set of bookends to a life of batshit self sabotage.

She was in a totally impossible situation with the debates, having to be this perfect combination of contradictory attributes, and still managed to more than hold her own. The bar is so low for Trump it's just ridiculous.

"Hey man, sure they privatized Medicare and shut down social security and went ahead and nuked Iran and China but y'know, Jost is really coming into his own!"

She was married to the co-creator of Marcell the Shell. They had a loving and twee type of relationship that crashed into the rock hard abs of Captain America.

Y'know it's apropos now to mention something I just learned today in a profile of Marlon Brando. Dude got paid $2M to cameo in Scary Movie 2, didn't learn his lines, groped Natasha Lyonne and the footage was never released.