Tim Tankerd

Uh actually it was brilliant. In the wise words of the leader of #TheResistance Chuck Schumer "For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.” He was playing 3D chess

Kaine was such a fuckup. The most milquetoast white bread centrist imaginable. It would've been easy, so easy, to pick a relatively progressive Latino like Julian Castro. It would have completely shifted the narrative and could have only helped her share of the Hispanic vote. It might have brought a lot of the

It's just another example of the Left being too clever for our own good. There's the idea that a particularly well constructed bon mot could just make the entire GOP implode in a singularity of hypocrisy- that just will never happen. Self defeat is just second nature. We present the evidence of a large scale

Someone tweeted something to the effect that it's pretty easy to see the root of the left's problems when the only resistance narrative they can cling to is one where children wave their magic wands at a problem until it disappears.

Biden would've definitely won. I'd bet Bernie would have had a solid chance. I really do think the strain of misogyny in American culture is so engrained that a female politician would have to take on male attributes of "toughness" and be coming from the right in order to have a chance. Based on the way things went

Much like "nasty woman" this is something that will rile up the chattering classes and create some solid twitter engagement but not much else. Anyone who actually cares about systemic misogyny is, by definition, against Trump. The vast braindead bulk of the electorate isn't going to care and ultimately this signal

There is an incredible method to his madness. Dude has preemptively blamed the courts for any terror attack that occurs because he's dicking around on twitter. He's completely insulated his base because anyone pointing out the obvious is just fake news.

I guarantee every inch of the Lincoln bedroom, the Oval Office and the residency is now covered by a thin film of jism and hate.

I'd much prefer a well seasoned Danton. I just don't think Robespierre would have that same red state "common man" appeal.

Note that he made this tweet twenty minutes into today's scheduled security briefing so rest assured he's giving our nations safety exactly as much consideration as you might expect

"Obama ate puppies in Indonesia as a child and he hosted rappers like Jay Z who use much worse language than Donald did. Why the fake news double standard?"

Oh I have no doubt that people are easily gulled and generally foolish, I just think blaming SNL or Fallon for his rise really overstates their importance.

I think the problem there was just timing. When it first came out there was a huge rush of unendorsements and it seemed pretty open and shut. It took that Comey letter to bring the polls back to even. A steady drip of clips set up in a way to maximize the news cycle like Wikileaks did with the Podesta Emails could

That's the real rub. Mark Burnett absolutely had the power to end that candidacy a dozen times over.

Oh please- Trump's base does not give one single shit about him being "normalized" through SNL or Fallon. They're slavering maniacs high on potent xenophobia and white pride. If there's not a duck being dynastied, a boo boo being honeyed and no one is getting CTE they're not watching it.

It's that or Black Label Bacon.

At some point they're going to stop giving the guy dogs

I definitely agree her loss wasn't right or fair or reasonable- but unfortunately it was totally predictable. The right has spent 20+ years obsessing over her and directing weaponized hate her way. I've spent decades reading about bullshit like the Clinton Body Count. The well was deeply poisoned and an electoral

Boy how's that internet thing working out huh? Still a good idea?

I really think there's a level where they just want a huge underclass of barely literate serfs locked into a lifelong cycle of debt and underemployment.