Tim Tankerd

That's easy to do. "Vote for the hunk, not the cuck!"

Claudius 2018!

"Why is Alexander Haig always blowing that conch shell behind the podium?"

I think we've proven that being grossly unqualified, woefully out of their element and having the inability to answer most basic of question is not enough to keep someone out of the presidency, let alone the cabinet.

It's incredible. Like look at the difference between Trump and Obama's remarks before prayer breakfast.

Unfortunately I think this election proved that a not insignificant portion of the electorate is dumber than rocks- like glacial moraine level retarded

Literally any other candidate in the entire world should've been able to win this thing based on Trump's long public friendship with a convicted pedophile…. the fact that Bill was just as dirty with plenty of documented flights on the Lolita Express or that Bannon changed the conversation around the pussy tape by

We talking big league BMs baby! You ever see what Josh Earnest was putting out? Dry little rabbit pellets! We're going to fill our septic tanks with enough liquid xorbitol induced shit to the point you get that we just can't win anymore!

I love Sean! Big guy, strong guy. Produces seven times the normal amount of stool- that's a big league dump! Win!

How different things might have been if he had decided to run! He was always polling fundamentally higher than Clinton and not having Bill around would have given the pussy tape and the Jeffrey Epstein connection a lot more punch.

Honestly I expected the inauguration to begin with Obama asking the crowd whether they wanted Barrabas or not and ending with him washing his hands.

Also super good at marrying rich widows. Dude had a lot of talents.

You know, the surface of the earth may be an irradiated wasteland and the atmosphere is choked with fallout but I'll be damned if this doesn't improve Obama's legacy

That's basically the thrust of Ta Nehisi Coates' big profile of the waning days. That his pathological inability to lose faith with the white electorate was what allowed him to be elected but what also killed his legacy.

Huh, sounds like we're tied currently.

If I were him I'd absolutely turn my back on America. We don't deserve him. Seeing what shit Obama got compared to the bending over backwards excuse making for Trump is apalling. He consistently believed in the better angels of America's nature and we consistently disproved his faith.

That's America in 2017 for ya! The line between paranoiac delusion and sensible fretting was one of the first things to get crushed under the force of the Trump Train.

Unfortunately the President absolutely has the power to unilaterally order a nuclear attack on his own authority

Dudes morning tv habits are set in stone. Companies have realized that it's a lot cheaper to just buy ad space on Scarborough or Fox and Friends than it is to have lobbyists

That's where it gets scary. If the dude is already this fried after a couple of weeks I don't see how things can't help but get worse. After the pussy tape it's pretty clear that the GOP are going to ride this train all the way to the station…