Tim Tankerd

I'm pretty sure that's just the first house they smash

I was surprised Trump signed that executive order declaring February national "Yo' Name is Toby Month" but there's no denying he's getting shit done.

The second one was transcendently awful. The scene where they're barreling down a hillside slum in Cuba just smashing through dozens of shanty houses (and presumably killing the inhabitants) in a Humvee was the most "ugly American" thing I could conceive.

And paying for the privilege. It's why I am so baffled by the popularity of Alexa and Google Home, you're paying for the ability to be passively monitored 24 hours a day turning your every action and word into proprietary marketing data.

Ah yes, that iconic scene in Rocky where he's running past the statue of Wellington with a traffic cone on his head- what could be more American?

Rodeos are a trip. The big commercial PBR fests are just awful but your smaller regional ones have a ton of charm. If you ignore the constant animal abuse it's definitely a great place to get in touch with history and rural areas.

Now settle down and I'll tell you all a little story about ol' Darth Plagueis

From Sand Creek to My Lai to Haditha it's what we're good at!

My guess is it was some obviously underage Moldovan or something. Pedophilia has to be a bridge too far for the base to cross.

What's really amazing is the average Trump voter outearned the average Clinton voter.

Claro que si guey, es muy malo.

They're definitely laying the groundwork for it. I am really expecting some "plot" being uncovered full of second generation children of refugees or "La Raza" activists who, unfortunately, are all killed when their hideout is stormed… either that or just going full false flag/ Gliewitz Incident and burning down

I'm still holding out hope that Reposted ZODIAC Victorian Lady Bell comes out of retirement to save us all

Y'know I can't deny his effectiveness as a campaign manager but I can certainly complain about the milquetoast centrist path he blazed as Senior Adviser to the President.

That was totally the vibe I got. The extended version seemed like a very pro-wall ad, especially with its focus on the happy contractors making the thing.

It made me picture the soundstage where they've got all those bull terrriers in harness ready for the next shot, dribbling piss as they sway in the breeze.

I was completely baffled by that lumber ad. It seemed to be pretty damn "pro wall", down to the happy and employed contractors. The inclusion of the door was meant to what, encourage civil disobedience?

Free Black Mirrror idea: computer monitors attached to some judging AI that detects when you've been persuasively pwned and internet destroyed and shoots you in the head.

Nice to see DumbBells getting coverage. It's a great way to hear a lot of the Earwolf regulars in a completely different context as well as being really motivating. I think the way they use those drops every ten minutes is awfully distracting but that's the only complaint I can make.

Guns. I really think it all boils down to that. There is a strong enough single issue bloc that drives the conversation. I honestly think your average Bubba is absolutely happy drinking coal stained water, working unpaid overtime and waiting ten hours for a spot at the free clinic just so long as he could walk into