Tim Tankerd

Worth reading for the Michael Rappaport section alone. Making your assistant into your fake supportive son takes a commitment to being batshit into a whole new level.

For your consideration: Cum Town?

"Fuck that death tax! After I scratch off that winning ticket there's no way imma let the government get in the way of gifting my theoretical descendants".

Ah but who will be counting the votes in the future? They're pretty open about wanting to shape American future along ethnic lines- Session suppression on a national scale combined with encouraging proportional electoral college rule like in Maine could effectively remove Democrats from power for generations and

Man they're really governing right out of Breitbart. I'm guessing this is part of the whole "Obama Phone" conspiracy/complaint

"Hmmm… says here you were a frequent visitor to a website owned by the known dissidents at Univision. Es muy malo, hombre".

Absolutely correct. It's not like it was a surprise either- her approval polls were just about tied with Trump the whole time. The DNC just bought so hard into the notion that it was her turn and that "the fundamentals" made her inevitable that it felt like a willful slow motion suicide. My only consolation was

The open contempt of this administration for the press is somewhat bracing. It reminds the chattering classes that this is really happening and to not just settle into anodyne sentiments in order to secure a table at "Nerd Prom". That first Spicer briefing really put a lot of hope in my chest that the press might

Distracted apathy is a hell of a drug

US/Russia. By directly challenging NATO and openly criticizing the EU while championing Brexit Trump has done an incredible job of destabilizing the central bulwarks against Russian expansion and regional hegemony.

Breitbart and Bannon really did grasp early on that the actual desires of the "Cuckservatives" were totally at odds with the base and that the red meat culture war stuff was just a way to placate the dupes. Just jettison the mainstream, crank culture war up to 11, and engage in straight up fascism. Brilliant.

Trump has done more to challenge the postwar order than anything I can conceive of. If you are an Eastern European or central Asian country it's pretty clear which side is in it for the long haul and which one has feet of clay.

The amount of "conventional wisdom" Trump has discarded and the blithe ways he ignored the conservative think tank industry are just incredible. Think about how many low level GOP functionaries got pushed out or primaried for the slightest deviation from conservative orthodoxy and along comes this guy who not only

It was one of the ways they really knocked out HRC's support out from under her. Very few people could say they support her without adding a half dozen caveats.

Polonium 210 is incredibly traceable. It was used to deliberately send a message that "you can run but you can't hide and we won't be punished" with Livitnenko.

Hey Christie always said he'd get a job in the administration- and I'll be damned if that motley isn't slimming.

There will be no resistance. May needs a win from USA to make up for loss of single market while Corbyn is completely feckless and floundering. The parliamentary rollover on the Brexit vote was the final nail in the coffin in the idea that there could be any resistance to the country's remarkable self-destruction.

No way will Conway be there, she's got way more power where she is. I reckon it'll be Omarosa or someone straight from Breitbart as a way of showcasing contempt for press.

Honestly I am pretty confident Bannon won the election the night of the middle debate immediately after the pussy tape. That was the one time the momentum was enough that Hillary could've walked away with it and the Trump candidacy collapsed. By going maximum sleaze and bringing all of Bill's accusers down to the

Just tons of burst capillaries from drinking from what I can tell.