Tim Tankerd

Aw heck, if they bring back Laudanum and Vin Mariana and original recipe Coca Cola there may just be an upside to this cultural regression!

Fucking posers. I'm a Style Boy for life.

Yeah, I meant /r/all. It's also gone down quite a bit since they messed around with the algorithm but that's too little too late

Quebec shooter and Dylan Roof used almost identical "red pill" language. There's going to be dozens of copycats resulting from the front page of one of America's most popular websites turned into a /pol/-lite

Thankfully The_Donald cabal that has been converting the front page of one of the largest websites in the country into a nonstop stream of regurgitated /pol/ remains strong!

But that was Canada. What happens when it's in the United States? Who can they accuse of being behind the false flag when they're in power?

What's going to happen now that Infowars is a credentialed White House correspondent and there's another mass shooting perpetrated by a white guy? Will they double down on the false flag thing or just say it doesn't matter?

Hmm… if only there were a way to transition 85% of the populace into distracted apathy while still allowing the most racist and hateful to find each other and organize

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce myself. My name is Rupert Pupkin. I was born in Clifton, New Jersey… which was not at that time a federal offense. Is there anyone here from Clifton? Oh, good. We can all relax now. I'd like to begin by saying… my parents were too poor to afford me a childhood. But

Not all Trump supporters are cryogenically frozen SS, but all formally frozen SS are Trump Supporters. They just love to see the "grope" back in "Obergruppenführer"!

He's a struggling standup who's married to Leslie Mann

That's still the issue I have with Brooklyn 99. I've had quite a few experiences with the NYPD and the wacky Sambergs are few and very far between.

Remember last week when a Milo fan shot a protestor in the gut and nearly killed him? Funny how much more coverage a small group of antifa shooting off fireworks gets.

He should have said Talleyrand who actually was a Bishop.

I've said it before and I'll say it again but the man has some incredibly effective NLP/ emotional intelligence/ charisma/ Borscht Belt abilities. His transcripts are absolutely unintelligible meandering word salad but they work when heard aloud. Check out Peter Serafinowicz' "sassy trump" videos for examples of how

Aw hell, Trump's executive order declaring "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere" is the kind of broad executive overreach I can get behind!

That's nothing new. It's joined several other orders where the CBP response has been just to ignore that. I'd be careful of spreading misinformation.

Can you link to whatever you're reading because I'm sure not seeing it.

Unfortunately it's not for Bannon. The dude is 100% running a modified Helter Skelter plan from the Manson playbook. Cause race war, wait it out, rule the survivors.

It's a crazy constitutional crisis. The executive is ordering men with guns directly to enact their policies and ignore court and legislative ruling. This is an incredibly terrifying precedent.