Tim Tankerd

Hey, is there anyone in power who has repeatedly evoked AJ? What's that you say, Jackson ignored the Supreme Court in order to engage in ethnic cleansing? Hmm…. hmm..

That's wrong? CBP is continuing to ignore court orders with Dulles and LAX especially acting in flagrant disregard to current orders.

Ain't that right Georgie?

Why it's almost as if there's a deliberate strategy of combining extreme malice and incompetence to ensure the maximum amount of destabilization in preparation for some kind of white Christian ethnonationalist authoritarian state to emerge from the ashes.

I'm a huge fan of the guy. He's made some incredible stuff. It's just got to be insanely frustrating for him to see how many of his peers have gone on to hugely public success and he's still out there plugging away.

Uh I'll have you know that's Senior VP of Dispensing Snark to Third Party Commenting Platforms Hosted on Univision Owned Websites (West Coast division).

Oh Gethardt, so talented but forever waiting to be "the next big thing".

How soon people forget Perot! Dude was the most viable third party since Roosevelt. He won a fifth of the electorate.

We ceded the high ground early. The second we moved away from single payer- which the average elector can understand- we lost. The ACA has had undeniable benefits to many but a program that's so opaque, confusing and self-defeating could never last.

The problem was that Hillary was never the sure thing. Her unfavorable and disapproval levels were neck and neck with Trump the whole time. This wasn't a surprise- she's been hated for close to 30 years. I've been hearing about "the Clinton body count" for decades. Hoping that the electorate would do "the right

Her direct intervention in Libya was damned unforgivable. Many of the issues surrounding Syria, the European refugee crisis and the fact there's now a failed state on the other side of the Mediterranean can be directly traced to her state department. Her "we came, we saw, he died" line about Qaddafi was really jaw

They've bought so hard into the "conventional wisdom" it's insane. You need to have a centrist, welfare and abortion are bad but necessary evils, banks are good but sometimes they're a little greedy, health care has to come from insurance, unaccountable death from flying robots is totally acceptable because it's our

What's more American than beer from a Belgian company that's ran by Brazilians?

Eugene Cordero was great as well. And the main guy who was the taxi driver in Deadpool was on point. The casting was really top notch.

A tight edit and a better third act could've made quite a difference.

Pussy hating dilettante

Well when you're working in a pre-war Bulgarian tractor factory that's bound to happen.


The shit far outweighs the good. You can find your little hobby niches and sensible subreddits but the body itself is diseased. Supporting it in anyway is tacitly supporting endemic misogyny (from creepshots to gamergate to chairman pao) and the turning of the front page into a nonstop outlet for the dissemination

New executive order declaring that "Anacondas Don't Want None Unless You Got Buns, Hun" set to take effect tomorrow