Tim Tankerd

Watch what they're saying and doing.

"Bureaucrat committing human right's violations claims 'they were only following orders'".

We have multiple examples of the CBP simply refusing to follow the court order, ignoring direct intervention by elected officials and straight up claiming they answer directly to the President.

Every single person who dismissed the idea that anything like this (or much worse) could happen because of the inherent decency of the men and women fulfilling these orders should be paying a lot of attention. We're going to get a nationwide lesson on the Milgram Experiment with every federal employee and cop the

As much as they can. ICE has dramatically stepped up enforcement in Multnomah County. They're hanging out at the courthouse grabbing witnesses and family members

And this is with a booming economy and the absence of any terror attacks.

God if this was only week one I'm guessing by year 3 "The Commision to Investigate Pizzagate" will be the new "Doctor's Plot" to just remove a huge chunk of the electorate.

The bad new is there are multiple examples of the CBP just ignoring this order, hanging up on congressmen and continuing to engage in illegal and unconstitutional acts. This is a deep constitutional crisis and just a taste of how bad things can get.

It's a remarkable constitutional crisis. We have an Executive branch with no oversight and their orders are being followed by armed men. They've bypassed every check and balance. The speed and ease with which the CBP started obeying patently illegal laws should give us all pause. The weakness of institutions has

Oh I 100% agree. I am assuming the US has the same weaponry. If we're looking for where a nuclear exchange is likely I would say Pakistan and India are most probable, though I wouldn't be surprised by a Sunni/Shia exchange via Iran and Saudi Arabia with Israel remaining the wild card through the Samson Option. It

I'm most worried about cobalt salted bombs. Russia has indicated they're working on them. The half life of the fallout would be long enough to effectively end most terrestrial life if launched atmospherically.

Great Job, KGB!

Failing China announces plan to pee pee in our coke! I am ordering a preemptive nuclear strike to protect our nation's beverages.

Dude has got some weird magic NLP mixed with borscht belt performance abilities. It's why transcripts of his just read as word salad but have got a definite rhythm and hook when heard aloud.

I'm starting to think they don't want the wall built to keep people out but to keep us in.

Start with this article

Always drinking his coffee in a cardboard cup like some kind of reprobate

Whenever I think about karma or "getting what they deserve" I remember Idi Amin died of old age in a gold-plated mansion in Saudi Arabia surrounded by his 30+ children.

History is just one long parade of assholes.
