Tim Tankerd

Come for the hot wings, stay for the sudden and devastating collapse of Western civilization!

I seriously could have sworn the "ner" ending was the much more common one but this is not so. Have I fallen into some Berenstain/ Connor world? Can I wake up in one with President Sanders presiding over the Manafort/Trump espionage trials?

That kid is so humble.

Counter-counterpoint: Good is fire? Starting randomly!

That show was really something wasn't it? They really pushed the envelope in a lot of creative ways, totally willing to play around with conceptual elements. They had an amazing cast, almost all of whom have gone on to bigger and better things (sorry Mimi). Yet the show got zero critical respect and seems to have

Btw Taotronics offers some incredible Bluetooth headphones via amazon. They're absolute Chinese clones of existing products but when you can pay $25 for a functionally identical pair of $200 "powerbeats" or whatever it's so worth it. Lax enforcement of international copyright pays off for the thrifty consumer!

Guys, maybe Shia is the Mahdi.

The guy isn't even eligible to vote. He's German.

I honestly don't see how anyone could read this piece about his speech to congressional leaders about voter fraud and not think there's a pretty clear signal of incipient dementia. He's willing to upend the stability of our entire electoral system based on a half remembered anecdote about a golf buddy of his.

Where? There literally isn't a decent option left. Canada is just as much Stephen Harper as it is Trudeau, EU is heading for collapse after Le Pen wins. UK will be dealing with Brexit for generations. Australia is a sun baked hellscape full of open pit mines and casual racism.

is he saying 'Whore Door'?


We will read this list of crimes for two minutes every day. Maybe we should call it some kind of "two minute hate" or something? Just cut out the middleman?

It is just so inconceivable to me. Like okay, Kaine and Feinstein and the old guard corporate centrists I can understand but why would Elizabeth Warren vote to confirm Ben Carson? Why would Sanders vote to confirm Mattis? What the fuck are they doing?

We need to. And, though I am aware of the cliche, it's time to exert some serious leftwards pressure on our ostensible representatives. I just joined the DSA out of absolute disgust at the way the Democratic leaders have so thoroughly fucked themselves in such a short amount of time.

"Uh actually based on the models we've studied and the op-eds we've read we can confidently state that Lucy will continue to hold the football when we go to kick it. To do otherwise would suggest a lack of faith in the principles of Football and I won't presume that our opponents are capable of doing that"

It's so goddamn obvious. Obstruction works. Fuck those Sorkin sucking Dems who are saying: "It's only fair and principled and we shouldn't do to them as they did to us" and fuck those opportunistic schmucks like Schumer just salivating at giving Trump a win with a trillion dollar stimulus package. These goddamn

I think you're giving them too much credit. Look at their response to the speech Trump gave the House and Senate regarding voter fraud. His rambling anecdote was about a German golfer friend who couldn't vote while two Latinos were allowed. That is the single anecdote upon which he is willing to upend our entire

Republicans: We're going to give you the 100% horrible nominees so you'll settle for the 80% horrible.

"I pray to the Berenstein Bears, that Sinbad genie movie and dead Nelson Mandela that we wake up in the other universe now"