Tim Tankerd

"Boy our base sure seems angry! Among the largest mass protests ever? Should we, y'know, capitalize on it? Or should we just go on a billionaire funded retreat to circle jerk with David Brock?"

The groundwork they're laying is so obvious and so terrifying.

Which, as he's so ably pointed out, will never happen. The midterms are going to be a bloodbath of Trumpists primarying the old school GOP while the meek Dems will have lost enough of their base through disenfranchisement and suppression to become like Labour in Scotland. Just useless.

Lol, they're just spineless fucks. If that were really the case then at least a few principled or far seeing ones would throw up a roadblock on some of these nominees.

Let's give that title to Feinstein, Kaine and all the rest of the spineless opposition in the Senate that have voted yes on EVERY single one of Trump's nominees. Ryan is looking out for his base, his supporters, his ideology. The Democrats are looking out for no one but themselves.

They're doing a better job than those spineless Democrat senators scrambling over each other in their desperation to vote yes for every Trump nominee.

One of the best tweets I've read lately is as follows:

Fact: the fucking Democrats are just the worst. They're confirming nominees with votes that aren't needed because they fetishisize the illusion of good governance and the Sorkinian image of sensible opposition. The window for resistance is shutting fast. People talking about midterms are just delusional at this

One of Trump's remarkable abilities is the way he's able to blend the "rude truths" with absolute lies and his followers can't tell the difference.

The market correction will be crazy. The inflation and growth of the market since the election seems to be based on a form of magical thinking where Trump is a typical republican who doesn't mean what he says. We've seen, if anything, he's worse. I keep my eye on gold but continue to be flummoxed by how flat it's

I just don't know. The last season was pretty damn forgettable and a little too pleased with itself. It had a solid run, a decent comeback and that should do.

Jesus I didn't even remember half the weird shit that went down. Paris' mother was his dental hygienist who basically sold the kids to MJ for $8,000,000

Haha it's funny because a dangerous incompetent is in a position to literally end all human life.

Look if it weren't for this kind of crap on tumblr we'd have far too many surplus millennials entering the workforce. If they can be kept pacified on an endless stream of these and shrek memes we might just make it.

Well keep up the good work. I try not to generalize and my personal experience with LDS have been uniformly positive. This was disappointing but not unexpected.

"Obese" has a real medical definition in terms of BMI. "Grossly" is, I'm guessing, a euphemism for extreme or morbid obesity (over 40+ BMI) but it is also the wrong word. I would go with "grotesquely corpulent" if I wanted to be nasty

Because he's not the insufferable former child star we need, but the one we deserve.

Jesus Christ, what a decade.

I got a Sam Worthington notification for this?

You were thirty minutes early.