Tim Tankerd

Tom Cruise would've been perfect. Someone of similar age and with a slight shlub like Mark Ruffalo would've made a good night owl.

I was surprised as well but a little research shows he's been pretty right wing in the last few years, including illustrating the graphic novel of "Clinton Cash"

He just seems so grotesquely antithetical to every stated LDS value. The state had a perfect "out" with McMullin. The way they all fell behind him (to the point that the Tabernacle choir performed at his inaugural) really put the lie to the idea that LDS are a somehow "peculiar people" beholden to a revealed truth

That was one of the (many) ways in which Bill handicapped Hillary. Literally any other person could've brought up Trump's admitted friendship with a convicted pedophile and it would have been pretty damn devastating but, unfortunately, Bill had plenty of documented trips on the old "Lolita Express" to bring up as a

Boy, I wonder what the response will be during the next mass shooting? How can Alex Jones call false flag when Trump is president?

The idea is for the base to be full of passionate intensity while the opposition lack all conviction. The new Federal Initiative for Falcon Turning and the DOD's new policy of loosing the blood-dimmed tide are bound to have these kind of effects on the electorate.

That's why I think Peter Thiel or Fox Media will buy it asap. I'm kind of amazed they haven't. The price is right and it's now a form of Pravda/ bully pulpit with global reach and consequence.

I could definitely see him turning into a Thaksin Shinatawara figure, just clinging onto his base and returning endlessly to power through different stalking horses.

Boy did I lose a ton of respect for the LDS this election cycle. Religious tolerance is one of their fundamental sacraments. I have heard mormons go on and on about the "extermination order" against them or their persecution in the early days in Nauvoo and the like. The idea of legislation against a specific

It's brilliant. They have the blueprint from the Bush years. They've got a human scapegoat who can enact all the most abhorrent things that've been on their dream list and when the tipping point is reached they can begin impeachment and run again as "real Republicans"

Whoops, yes you are correct

That is textbook non-linear warfare as practiced by the Russian system.

Oh man, I loved Saucer Country. Easily some of my favorite stuff from Paul Cornell. Very frustrating cancellation, would love to see another dozen issues or so to wrap it up.

What did they ever do to the Christian Science Monitor?

TLDW: dude had a theory about massive pre-Colombian settlements in the Amazon. Went to find them and got killed by Indians. Nearly a century later new research proved him correct.

Prevents exploitation of the environment my good sir, it's dead in their sights. More hunting, happy ranchers, more fracking, more development in critical habitats, more tragedy of the commons.

So much of legal pot hinges on the Cole memo. Without those guidelines they can't bank and their liability dramatically shoots up. This wasn't a change in laws, just a change in priorities. With Jeff Sessions as AG he will repeal that day one. That man is one of the old school Prohibitionists who's extremely vocal

Net Neutrality, the National Parks, the Endangered Species Act, Recreational Marijuana, US membership in NATO, PBS, simple decency… we are in for the end of a lot of the institutions and policies that make up our lives. Everyone is going to feel this.

Huh, TIL Haim Saban owns Univision.

He's pretty much always been a pop culture figure. From appearing in "American Psycho" to the Art of the Deal (which was a legit bestseller) and the Doonesbury cameos in the 1980s through to the the Pizza Hut commercials and Home Alone 2 cameos back in the 90s.