Tim Tankerd

The turnover in this site has been pretty major. There was a site just like the one you're describing. It was called The Dissolve. It failed. Clicks pay the bills. Univision needs ROI. It's really that simple.

I'm kind of amazed Peter Thiel hasn't bought Twitter. If that's our new Pravda it needs to be controlled by our new Politburo

you're telling me the whole Melania/Messalina thing is a coincidence?

I for one can't wait until Trump moors a string of boats across the Gulf of Baiae and rides his horse across.

The NPS officially stopped estimating number of people on the mall after lawsuits stemming from the Million Man March. It's official policy to not provide that estimate.

Honestly between Bush invading Iraq and Clinton's state department encouraging the Arab Spring we'll be cleaning up their messes for the next several generations… presuming Trump's invasion of Iran goes smoothly.

It's such a blatant fuck you. That's like what, $29 a month on a 200K mortgage? Not even a rounding error for the rich.

Reminds me of this Fischl portrait of contemporary America inspired by Trump

You're right. That joke was over the line. I'll delete the comment.

There are plenty of Bad Dogs who would've voted for Trump. Cujo and Blondi probably would've been in the Cabinet.

"The Waldo Moment" went from okay to hilariously prescient to utterly horrifying in record time.

Oldest, dumbest and fattest. I bet Taft would have given anything to have access to the Man Spanx girdle technology that keeps Trump ensconced in this paunchy ill-fitting suits.

That's a typo. The kids are actually alt right. We're fucked.

So that would be the second sequel to a prequel of a remake?

"You Londinium worrywarts are all the same! Blimey you lot are a pessimistic bunch. The emperor has extended its reach all the way to Hadrian's wall and an invasion of Hibernia looks likely. Life expectancy has dramatically increased, we've got running water, trade, a sense of national identity! We're clearly

China: They really do view recognition of Taiwan as an existential threat, they have effective ICBMs and second strike capability through their submarines. I could see a "traditional" artillery shelling of Taipei or Kinmen resulting in a "limited" nuclear exchange with global consequence and reach.

That's the harsh truth. Trump isn't an outlier, Obama was. Our national moments of decency were outliers. We remain a nation built on genocide through the labor of the enslaved; forced to reckon with our fundamental injustice half-heartedly and only under extreme duress and and with no more consistent foreign

Does anyone remember "Cult Flicks and Trah Pics" from the nineties? I must have read that fucker a hundred times- solid decade before I even had the ability to watch most of them.

"Where should we put the administration in charge of monitoring the thing that makes up 70% of the planet's surface area and the literal air that we breathe?"

I think this is fun for him. Dude likely made enough from Malcolm in the Middle in syndication to have set him and descendants up for a good long while. Throw in the BB money and he's doing fine. You wouldn't want to get paid to hang out in Vancouver for three months while they filmed this crap? Just good times