Tim Tankerd


"which I covered halfway through this column’s now 10-year run"

Live, Bark, Repeat

They got Bill Sorte and the W Street Fand instead.

Didn't they also get caught with a fake xanax script?

Hey yah Tabernack!

You mean your life isn't a nonstop slow motion montage of violence set to hard rock while models in lingerie lounge provokingly?

Wow that "Granny's Peach Tea" scene in the senate now has some disgusting resonance with current events.

It gets more ridiculous. He's writing that on the hotel's reception desk having replaced the computer with an eagle. Dude literally doesn't have an office

I can remember thinking that after we reelected Bush.

Wow- I really want to see a movie about Mel Brooks at war now.

Why? If Russia's primary foreign policy goals are the reutrn of the soviet sphere of influence, the dismantling of NATO, and a wedge between America and the EU a dangerous incompetent is exactly what you want. Putin knows there can never be an actual shooting war so asymmetric warfare is an incredibly cost

Most asshole reactionaries are lumpenproletariat; always getting obese.

The way they're having the head of the D.C. national guard resign in the middle of the swearing in really made me think that the possibility of an actual coup is being taken seriously by Trump's team

Bunch of Bulzby quislings.

FAKE NEWS!! He's clearly a stupid fucking fuckface.

I really wish this were funnier. I feel like the intelligentsia must have felt after the Gleiwitz Incident. Just baffled incredulity that anyone could take this seriously followed by trying to block out the ominous sound of goose steps marching down my street

We're the down homiest bunch of oil drillers and duck call manufacturers you ever did see and we're here to talk to y'all about planned parenthood!

That man should be Tony Atamaniuk. His Trump is the only one that truly captures the incipient dementia, narcissism, Borscht Belt delivery and just downright malignancy of a Trump.

Millar's treatment of Bush was pretty biting throughout. I recall the first series of The Ultimates where Bush was stripped naked and forced to kowtow to Magneto on live television and I'm pretty sure he's mentioned in "Wanted" as being a super villain puppet.