Tim Tankerd

It speaks to two of his strengths: he had enough cash to weather the campaign downturns and a complete lack of shame. With a traditional candidate any one of those scandals ought to have brought them down by cutting off the funding. Any decent person would have withdrawn long ago. Shamelessness and money are,

Nowadays it's the "Trump Trample". Even faster paced than the Gish gallop with the added frisson of the neo-nazi hordes on twitter waiting to pick off the stragglers.

Dude is so insanely predictable it's terrifying- wakes up at 5:30 am, does his morning Ritalin rails, watches Fox News and reads the Post then is on twitter by 6:00 setting the media agenda.

Well if we're talking in terms of biomass for sure. Say what you want about Trump but I'd have to rank him higher than Eukaryotes or fungal beds.

"They go low- and they win"

The technology exists to destroy all human life. Atmospheric detonation of cobalt salted H-Bombs are completely feasible and were achievable with the technology of the 1960s. If any administration wanted to make "elimination of all terrestrial life for generations" an achievable priority it would be this one. Maybe

Trump's proposed Federal Department of "You don't belong in this town stranger, best keep moving before sundown" is only going to exacerbate the problem

So maybe we should all open carry old fashioned blunderbusses loaded with rock salt?

What was up with that German remake of The Office? Wasn't it super popular?

He go for Meego? We know.

Produced by Megyn Kelly and the guy who wrote Palin's biography…

"Hey Ivanka, call the broker imma bout to go HAM on Raytheon"

What terrifies me is the prospect of a constitutional convention. If the GOP controls one more statehouse they'll have the numbers to rewrite the constitution. Imagine the enshrining of an amendment that returns suffrage to only property owners or declares fetuses to have full personhood.

It's baffling. Why would any candidate bother releasing tax returns in the future? Provide full press conferences or briefings? So many fundamental norms blithely discarded with no consequence.

It's doable. Massive unrestrained domestic stimulus could gin up the economy big time, enrich his cronies and up his approval rating. Combined with a truly isolationist foreign policy with huge cuts in defense spending he could dramatically overhaul the economy. Primaries could be the last stand of any old time

If they existed in a vacuum it would be one thing but there are real world consequences. Dude can erase billions in market cap from a Toyota or Lockheed Martin with 140 characters.

They have played it pretty expertly. They hold all the impeachment cards and can play them on day one if they really wanted to. When things get unsustainable they can remove Trump and position themselves as "true Republicans" coming to the rescue, just like the Tea Party and W. Things are going to be very

The Trump trample.

What's really terrifying is there simply isn't a mechanism for removing a deranged President from office before they've had a chance to do irreparable damage.

Interesting post in The Atlantic describing Trump's tweets as "asymmetric warfare" directed against the media. They spend their time justifying, debunking or explainer-ing Trump's latest bullshit and he's already moved on to another dozen targets. Just a whirling, constantly mutating maelstrom of half truths and