Tim Tankerd

I've said it before and I'll say it again- the odds of a full global thermonuclear annihilation remain low. Deploying cobalt salted atmospheric bombs in an effort to wipe out all life does not seem to be a major priority. Regional nuclear exchanges in the Middle East, the irradiation of the strait of Hormuz, the

Wait, are you implying that the current migrant crisis that has destabilized the EU to the point of near collapse might just have something to do with the United States' demolishing of the Iraqi state, leaving ISIS and Shiite militias to fill the power vacuum followed by the subsequent destruction of Libya resulting

The way they managed to bring back all the stuff from the pilot/ first season was absolutely masterful. I've never been more impressed with the way a show developed like "The Shield".

Nothing tastes finer than some mentally challenged scalp meat! A little panko, a little EVOO… oh baby- this coming race war may be bitter but it's going to taste soooo sweet.

If anything the show managed to get much better in the final seasons. It went from a semi campy procedural full of "bad ass" moments to a much darker, serialized and self contained masterpiece.

Trump's "Victory Tour and Free Fentanyl Tent" should also help cut those numbers down.

Too much Assi lassi= less ass, Lassy.

You're implying it's some sort of bait for clicks?

Danton is writing a piece on Huffpost right now on the topic of why Khaleesi would be a Girondist and Joffrey a Jacobin.

I'd wager that that "inevitable" attitude was a significant factor in Trump's rise. Hillary would win because it was "the right" thing to happen. The democrats could lose local elections but would always win the presidency because of "inevitable" demographic factors. I think we only have to look at the 75 years


Twitter is a huge minority internet culture incubator with a small sprinkling of public figures and media types. 90% of the time every twitter meme has its roots in minority subcultures before being co-opted with just a blanket attribution to "Black twitter".

Boy there are a ton of layers to those credits. It looks like that film was sponsored by approximately half of South Korea, possibly as some kind of animation debt collateralized obligations scheme.

"Invincible" and "The Authority"both have enough going for them to support a comic book universe that could be really successful.

Great Job, Traditional English Clowning Community!

I just don't know if that's true. Clinton's black support had its roots with a lot of older church going demographics with extremely reliable turnout. "Souls to the Polls" works. A defiantly leftist candidacy with populist policies focused on economic and social justice might have had the effect of energizing the

Hell anyone who checked Real Clear Politics and the polling averages knew how close it really was for the majority of the race. I can recall posting this many times on this very forum and being reassured by a certain genital faced Pokémon that it would be a blowout, horse race journalism was causing my nerves and

A lot was based on "conventional wisdom". Like the candidate who raises more and spends more and has more field offices etc will always win.
The idea was that the full fundraising power of the Clinton machine would destroy Trump. Turned out we were terribly wrong!

He probably would've. This election was a real testament to both the power of disintermediation and misogyny.

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